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~Agent 3~

"Agent 3! You're here! But- but how?" Agent 8 asked as I landed on the platform next to her. "No time to explain now, what do you need me to do?" I asked as she blew up another purple bomb. "I'm going to do the last purple, you go and start on the blues. I'll join you up there in a few. Go, go!" she yelled, jumping down to blow up the final purple. I swam as a squid over to the other ride rail, jumped onto it, and started blowing up blues. After about 30 seconds, Agent 8 jumped on next to me. "There's about 7 more!" I yelled at her. "Alright! I'll do the higher ones, you do the ones down here! Let's go!" Agent 8 said, jumping onto the other ride rail. I shot the final 3 down here, as Agent 8 shot 3 up above. The last one was near me, so I hopped onto the rail as Agent 8 came back around and we shot it together.

~Agent 8~

"Is it over? Did we do it?" I said. That was the first thing that I had to say. And we had done it, together! We had saved Inkopolis. Well... not yet, I suppose. It was up to Pearl now. Marina dropped down in the helicopter and we jumped onto the platform it was holding. Pearl and Marina were waiting, ready to fight. "Cover your ears, everyone!" Marina yelled, clamping her hands over her ears as Pearl got ready to scream. Me and Agent 3 covered our ears, but it of course wasn't enough for this scream. The death wail. I was pretty sure the people in Inkopolis could hear it. I just let loose at some point, and even screamed with her. At first, it seemed like we weren't going to win. But then the scream overpowered the beam. Damn, Pearl has a powerful voice. We won. For real. Inkopolis was safe. I uncovered my ears, where Agent 3 and Marina were high-fiving and cheering. Pearl was jumping in the air and yelling, "We did it! I screamed loud enough!" and such. I just stood there in shock. Agent 3 turned around and, well, hugged me. I blushed a bit. I never really realized how much taller he was than me. When he pulled away, he held his hand out for a high-five. We high-fived. "So. We did it. Hah. It's crazy that somehow we-" He started, but I stopped him. "One sec..." Something was coming in on my headset. "Number 10,008... No test subject has worked so hard to spoil my plans... Farewell, 10,008. Farewell to you and that worthless cesspool of a city... Professor, our reunion beckons..." And then a lot of static sounds. It was the voice that had been talking to me before. Suddenly, something clicked when it called me 'Number 10,008.' I knew it was the phone, Tartar, in its final moments.

A/N ~ Sorry for the short chapter, I haven't been able to get around to writing the next part. I'll update it again soon :)  

And the text from TarTar is all from in-game (the webpage for TarTar is now in my bookmarks bar cuz of how many times I checked it for this)

Something New (Female Agent 8 x Male Agent 3)Where stories live. Discover now