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TW// Anxiety Attack (If you need to, you don't need to read this chapter if it's triggering for you :)

~Agent 3~

I watched as Agent Eight's face fell as she heard what was in her headset. I couldn't hear it - but after a bit, I heard some static sounds as she threw it away. 

"What was that?" I asked. She shook her head. 

"Nothing. Ju- just... never mind." She stuttered, and I could see the fear in her eyes. 

~Agent 8~

I was scared. Genuinely scared. Even though he was gone - even though the greatest evil that I had faced (so far) was gone - I was still terrified. Tartar was gone, right? Why was I still worried? 

But still, every time I looked at Three, I saw him. Anything him meant. Tartar, in the eye of the statue, Sanitized Three, looking down on me from that pillar, Cuttlefish on the ground, next to Three and the remnants of the blender...

Even Octavio fighting Three. That battle - that damned battle. Ever since meeting Three just a bit ago, I've been remembering things from that fight. 

Hearing music from the arena.

Seeing Three advance on the Octobot King.

Octavio knocking Three back- 

I froze. My heart started pounding in my chest. I started shaking as I collapsed to the floor, the entire world spinning around me. It felt like I couldn't breath. Like I had just been splatted at the end of a test- 

I heard voices around me. I couldn't tell what belonged to who. 

"We gotta get her back to Inkopolis!"
"Aw, come on, youngi-"
"Cap'n! Not the tim-"
"EIGHT! C'mon, you're gonna be alright!" 
"Think of the song!" 

I knew that last one was Three. 
"I- I can't-" I mumbled. 
I started hyperventilating. 

"Eight! Hold on!"
"You're going to be alright!"

The world was a blur of colors, and I was right in the middle of it. Everything came flooding back to me - the fight, life in Octo Valley, meeting Three and Cuttlefish for the first time - 

And suddenly, the colors mellowed out. I could make out 4 shapes leaning over me. Pearl, Marina, Cuttlefish, and Three. 

I took a deep. breath and closed my eyes. That was terrible... they must all think I'm an idiot now...

"Eight? Ar- are you okay?" Three asked. I barely knew him, yet we were already so... connected. 

I took a deep breath. "Yes." I sighed. "I'm... fine." I looked away, thinking of everything that had happened over the past few days. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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