Infinite | chapter 29

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Scaramouche grinned while looking at you

"Ah! Y/n the way you say my name makes me go crazy! Oh what a fool I was back then!"

You looked at him

"Shut the fuck up balladeer."

"That's no way of talking to your once lover you know y/n?"

"Too bad so sad "

You said as you threw a knife at him

He dodged it , but the knife did hit the back of the chair, barely missing your uncle

"Oh! Maybe your ability to fight got it's loose ends now! Well it has been about 1000 years now"

"Shut the fuck up balladeer "

"I will if you kiss me!"

"As if I ever would"

"But you did!"

"That was 1000 years ago Balladeer "


"Yk what , just shut the fuck yo who ya?"

"Hmmm what about no?"

"Fuck you!"

A dark purple book appeared next to Scaramouche with details that  reminding you of his umbrella and his hat

You glared at him as he summoned his weapon

'The wrath of millions'

"Didnt you sue that weapon to attack innocent civilians on Tsurumi Island?"

"You remember! "

"Of course I remember I literally watched you kill them all"

"Mhm mhm"

You pulled out a polearm that resembled a scythe in a way
It was white but it had black roses around it

"Ooo it still hasn't gotten dirty ? I would have thought it still had my blood stained on it"

"Never would I leave your blood stained on my beloved scythe "


"No buts you fucking cunt just let's get over with this"

"If you say so darling! "

Then you both yell as electro surrounds both of you


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