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"He's staring at you again."

My eyes follow Rayanne's to the handsome stranger who occupies the corner booth. I smirk at her and make my way over. I don't know his name, yet. But I fully intend on getting that tidbit of information. I worked at a bar, I was no stranger to men staring at me. But, he was different. It was like I could feel a very strong magnetic pull towards him. He was mysterious, and I liked that. I wanted to know more. I needed to know more. I don't miss the smirk that appears on his full lips as I make my way over to him.

"Good evening, Lillie." His smooth as velvet voice  makes me weak in the knees. Heat makes its way through my entire body. Was I too young to have hot flashes? Right now I would beg to differ. I place a hand on my hip, biting down on my lower lip. I debate my next words carefully.

"You know my name, but I don't know yours. Kind of unfair, isn't it?" His smirk widens into a smile.

"Rhett." He replies simply. Rhett. Sexy, just like him.

"Okay then, Rhett, what can I get you started with tonight?" I stare into his mesmerizing blue eyes. I get so lost in them that I don't hear what's coming from his mouth. Shit.

"Lillie?" To fight off more embarrassment, I smile at him and roll his usual order off my tongue like smooth butter.

"Two shots of whiskey. Got it. Anything else?" He shakes his head and leans back in the booth. I was pretty sure he's single, he never brought a woman in here with him. Now that I think of it, he's never had anyone else with him. Maybe he was a loner, like me.

I walk back to where Rayanne is putting ice in a glass. She is smirking at me.

"Good job bitch. He was totally checking out your ass as you were walking away." I laugh and swat at her shoulder. I make my way behind the bar and pour two shots of whiskey. Rhett was in here at-least three times a week and that's how it's been for the past few months. I happily make my way back over to him, and place the shots in front of him.

"Anything else, Rhett?" I make a weak attempt at sounding sexy.  He just smiles at me and shakes his head.

"Let me know if you need anything else!" He nods his head at me as he downs a shot. I walk away from him with my heart pounding out of my chest and a certain body part between my legs wetter than it definitely should be.


I walk through the double doors of my first lecture. After taking a semester off to help care for my family, I am ready now more than ever to finish my degree. At twenty-three I feel like I have little accomplished and I want to change that. My eyes scan the room, and realizing I'm the only one in here I take a seat in the middle row. Taking a pen and notebook from my bag, I tap my fingers nervously on the desk. I was a little girl when I decided on becoming a psychiatrist. At a young age, I had to watch my parents struggle with substance abuse. I made it my mission to help people in situations like that. A loud thud brings me back to reality and when I lift my gaze to the front of the room, my heart stops beating. I can recognize that brown hair and muscular frame from a mile away.

The universe must be playing a sick joke on me. Rhett as my professor? My stomach lurched into somersaults as I stand up from my seat and my legs having a mind of their own, go towards the front. I bend down to help him pick up the papers, remembering the dress that I'm wearing shows a good amount of cleavage. My cheeks heat up at the thought of possibly flashing him. When I stand back up, my forehead collides with Rhett's and I am unable to stop the laughter that falls from my mouth. I take a step back and clamp my hand over my mouth. The hand that holds the papers extends out to him and he takes them from me with shaky hands. Was I affecting him how he was me?

The Professors Desires [18+] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now