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I lift the shot glass to my lips, my eyes watching the way her ass jiggles as she walks away from me. I am transfixed on her. Her personality, her body. God, I spent many nights thinking about the way it would feel in my hands. I watch as her friend whispers something to her, I'm one hundred percent sure it's about me when Lillie turns back around to look at me.  I wink at her and I know it affects her by the way her cheeks turn cherry red.  Winding down at the bar was my favorite thing to do before a new semester began. I loved teaching psychology. Even if I didn't understand my own mind. I glance at my watch, the bar still had another hour before they closed. I sigh heavily and stand up. The light buzz I felt was already wearing off. I haven't had the chance to ask Lillie out on a date yet. I wanted to, so badly. I wanted her to be more than just a fuck buddy.
Minutes later, I storm into my front door. My body is frustrated from lack of female attention. From her attention. I normally refuse to touch myself with thoughts of her, but my dick had a mind of its own. I don't bother closing my bathroom door behind me as I turn on a cold shower. I shiver when the cold water hits my back as I step in. Fuck it. I'll give in this one time. It's not long before I am moaning her name and finding my release. I finish my shower and prepare myself for tomorrow with another glass of whiskey. As the buzz hits me again, I let the thoughts of my demons weigh me down. Even after moving away, they still haunted me. Thirty years of my life was spent in physical hell only to have my mind stuck there forever. My parents never gave a shit about me, or my education. Many times I tried to prove myself worthy but fell short when they didn't even bother showing up for my college graduation. They said it was a waste of my life to become a professor, that I would never change the world by holding such a small job. I thought moving over twelve hours away would help me escape, but I was dead wrong. Their words stay in my mind. Alcohol was there to help me and drown out the words. It was the only thing I could rely on. It was the only thing that never let me down or abandoned me. It was always there when I needed it and it didn't talk back or tell me I was worthless. I climb into my bed utterly exhausted, more intoxicated than I should be on a Sunday night.

When I wake in the morning, I roll out of bed with an extreme hangover. After what feels like forever of dry heaving over the toilet, I gulp down a large glass of water and take two Tylenol. I make a weak attempt at fixing my hair and throw on my usual button up shirt and black jeans. It doesn't take long for me to get to campus. I unlock the door to my room and swing it open. I still had a good twenty minutes before my first lecture began. Realizing I forgot my bag, I ran back out to my car. When I emerged back into my classroom, I noticed a student was already sitting in one of the seats. But it was just any student, it was Lillie. Before I know what's happening, the grip on my bag fails and papers are scattered everywhere. I mutter a series of curse words as I begin to pick them up. My whole body freezes as I feel her presence near me. My skin tingles with the presence of her. Fuck. How was I supposed to teach when I had an immense attraction towards one of my students? I could encourage her to find another professor. Deep in my thoughts, I don't realize we both go for the same sheet of paper until our foreheads collide.  As I come up, I realize the dress she is wearing shows a lot of cleavage. My dick likes the sight and twitches in my pants. She bursts into a fit of laughter and it has to be the most beautiful sound my ears have ever heard. 
"Lillie." I breathe when our hands touch for a split second. I already feel like a complete idiot for not addressing her sooner. Her cheeks burn cherry red. An image of her beneath me, her cheeks red because of the pleasure I'm giving her flashes in my mind and I have to tear my eyes away from her. My heart is threatening to beat out of my chest.
"In the flesh." She replies in true Lillie fashion. I'm about to say something else when she goes back to her seat and doesn't look my way for the rest of the lecture. I fought the urge to have her stay after class and regretfully watched as she left the room without a glance my way.
Hours later, I stand at the entrance of  The Tavern and take one shaky breath before stepping in. I spot Lillie immediately. She stares back at me with those ocean blue eyes and I know they are still on me as I find my usual seat. It isn't long before she is at my table, flashing that heaven sent smile at me.
Saying the first thing that comes to my mind, I speak.
"Long time no see." She throws that adorable head of hers back and lets out the most sexiest laugh. I have to laugh with her.
"What can I get you?" She should know my order by now, but I was feeling particularly hungry tonight.
"Two shots of Whiskey and just a plain hamburger and fries." She raises an eyebrow at me and I smirk.
"Switching it up on me, huh?" She smiles at me and my stomach flips. It's been a very long time since a woman has made me feel this way.
"Yeah, I haven't had time to eat all day in-between my lectures." I watch her as her brows furrow and lines form on her forehead. She was deep in thought about something. Shit. I hope I didn't say anything to upset her. Then as if she wasn't contemplating her life, she writes down my order and skips towards the bar. I can't help but watch the way her ass jiggles as she skips. I harden instantly. Fuck. I needed to get a grip on my feelings for her. She was my damn student. I couldn't feel this way about a student. Never. I force myself to tear my eyes away from her and take a sip of water. I felt like my whole entire body was on fire. Even though I know I shouldn't, I can't keep my eyes away from her. I watch her every move. I feel like a stalker.
After I finish my food, I decide it's time to leave. The bar is about to close anyways. On my way out, I stop at the gas station and buy a case of beer I know I do not need. I am so lost in thought on the way home, I almost don't notice the familiar figure walking down the street. For fucks sake, I know she isn't walking alone at night at damn near one in the morning. I honk my horn at her and she jumps. I roll down my window and yell at her.
"Lillie!" She snaps her head towards me and begins to run in my direction.
"Get in!" She slams the door shut behind her and I have to take deep breaths to calm myself. I am pissed. No woman should be walking alone at night. I want to lecture her, but instead just ask for directions to her place.
"Where do you live?" She takes a huge breath, fastening her seatbelt.
"RiverRoad apartments." She starts to tell me directions but I cut her off. I know the place all too well. It's just across the street from my house. Fuck. This whole time I have lived less than five minutes from the woman. The things we could have done, that will never happen now that she's my student.
"I know where it is, I live right across the street."
"Nice to know." She replies, and places her feet on the dash. She looks so good in my passenger seat. There are so many things I want to tell this woman but none of my words seem to form. All of these months I've known her, I could have just said them and we would be in a much different place right now.
"Do you always walk alone at night?" She shrugs her shoulders like it's no big deal.
"Yes. I don't own a car at the moment." Well why the hell not? I want to ask her, but it's not my place.
"Don't make that a habit. If you need me, just let me know." I offer her a reassuring smile and she nods at me.
"Okay." She replies, pulling her phone from her pocket. I knew it would be highly inappropriate to ask for her number, but for situations just as these it would come in handy.
I see her apartment complex come into view and I am already dreading the goodbye. I know I will see her again Wednesday, but that feels like forever and a day away. I park and want to question the heavy sigh that leaves her lips but I decide against it.
"Thanks for the ride, I appreciate it." She smiles brightly at me and bites down on her lower lip. Dammit. That affected me more than it should have. I fight the temptation and smile back at her.
"Goodnight Ms. Hope." I throw her a small wave as she leaves and barley hear her say a small goodnight. I stay an extra few minutes and make sure she is inside before I leave. I can still smell her perfume. It's more intoxicating than the beer I have in my backseat. Once inside of my house, I slam the door shut behind me. I go straight for the whiskey I have in my cabinet and take a huge gulp. I want to make the feeling she gives me disappear. Just for a moment. So I don't have to feel like a fucking creep for wanting my student. But, it doesn't work and instead, I think of her more.

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