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As Lillie takes her notes, I try, and fail miserably at keeping my eyes off of her. She takes a break every once in a while to look at me. I don't tear my eyes away when she looks at me, instead I smile at her. There was no harm in that, right? Even though I am having these carnal thoughts about her, I'm trying to convince myself that as long as I don't act on them, then I'm not actually breaking any kind of rules.

I allow my eyes to linger on her vibrant red hair. The familiarity of it calmed me. She reminded me so much of my Emily and had no idea. I moved to New York in hopes that starting over fresh would help with my mental health. And at first, it did. I was doing so well until I decided one night I would go out to celebrate my new job and saw Lillie.

The resemblance between them is striking. I take a deep breath and sit behind my desk. I didn't like to admit it out loud, but my drinking had gotten heavier since I've moved here. I thought I had it all under control, clearly I didn't. The moment I laid my eyes on Lillie, a rush of emotions I had burned deep inside resurfaced. Instead of facing it like an adult and extracting myself from the situation, I chose to rely on alcohol. My worst fucking enemy.

The end of my lecture felt like it took forever to come, and when it finally did, I asked Lillie to stay behind. I had to inform her of the schedule with which she would be helping me with labs. She gave me a bright smile as she stood at the edge of my desk.

"Yes sir?" The way she was smiling at me and batting those long lashes made it almost impossible to stay in my seat. As far as I knew, I didn't have a "sir" kink, but the way she said those words made me want to.

I clear my throat before speaking,

"Are you free Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon?" She nods her head lightly, looking unsure of what to reply.

"Good. Those are the days you will be helping me set up labs." I don't miss the small blush that appears on her cheeks. I smirk. She was definitely thinking the same thing I was. I couldn't wait to have more alone time with her.

"Sounds great. Those are actually the nights that I have off work." I smile fully at her, drumming my fingers on the desk. I have to distract my fingers or else they will have a mind of their own and reach out to touch her.

"So, tomorrow?" She reaffirms. My heart pounds in my chest.

"Yep!" She bites on her lower lip and I want nothing more than to take it between my teeth. Dammit. Lillie tucks a strand of loose hair behind her ears and stares deeply into my eyes. I could get so lost in hers. Forcing myself to look away, I stand up. As much as I would like to continue this conversation with her, I was starving and needed to eat before my next class.

"See ya later!" She smiles at me. I watch her ass as she walks in-front of me. I wanted to squeeze the soft globes while she was riding me. Fuck. I needed to get away from her before I lost the self-control I magically still have. Even if I wanted to shove her against the desk until she was screaming my name. Little did I know that I was about to have one hell of emotional ride over the next few days.


I down my third shot of whiskey and fight with my demons. I know she's working. I want to see her again. I'm trying to fight it. My demons are currently winning. With a heavy sigh, I grab my keys from the counter and head towards the bar. I don 't hesitate before going in. My usual booth is taken so I opt for a table instead. I've spotted Lillie, but she hasn't seen me yet. I watch her intently as she's jotting down a tables order. She's bouncing her leg softly, making her breasts jump each time her foot taps the ground. Shit. She was going to be the death of me. I fucking know it.

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