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It feels like my forehead is still on fire from his lips. And that nickname, my god. While I did find him entertaining drunk, it concerned me. In the several months I have known Rhett, he hasn't shown up already tipsy to the bar once. He always had his two shots of whiskey, and that was it. Only occasionally getting more.

A loud knock comes to my front door, reeling me from my thoughts. The only person who knew what apartment I lived in was Rayanne. It had to be her. I throw a robe over my body and drag myself towards the door.

"Knock knock bitch." I open the door and she pushes herself past me and right into my kitchen.

"Why aren't you ready? Have you forgotten that quick?" I stare at her confused, what was so special about a Thursday morning? It was our normal routine for her to come over and just chat. The only class I had on Thursday was my statistics class and now, helping Rhett. I stare at her blankly.  She unzips her jacket to reveal a sports bra. Fuck. I forgot I promised her I would run with her this morning.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry." I apologize and run back to my room to find a comfortable workout set, pairing it with a lightweight jacket. Even though it was cool outside, I would still work up a sweat.

"Let me guess, professor sexy has something to do with your distraction?" My cheeks heat up at her words and I just shake my head. Even though, that was exactly what was up. She just narrows her eyes at me as she snacks on a banana. I hated them, but kept them around for her. She absolutely loves them. 

"Ready?" I nod, grabbing my earbuds from the counter. If I were going to run, I had to have some music.

Moments later, I feel a slap on my arm that brings me back to reality.

"Is that professor sexy?" Rayanne jerks her head over towards the opposite side of the street and my mouth falls open before I can stop it. Rhett is shirtless, his six pack glistening with sweat. Holy shit. The image of him shirtless went straight to my core. His eyes meet mine, and look over my entire body. Maybe I'm just seeing things, but I'm pretty sure he let his eyes linger on my chest. I didn't really have much to look at. They were an okay size, enough to fill a man's hands, but that was it.

"Oh shit, he's coming over."  I rip my earbuds from my ears and take a deep breath as Rhett approaches us.

"Good morning ladies." His eyes flicker to mine. I bite down on my lower lip and manage out a small 'hi.' Feeling embarrassed that I couldn't stop staring at his abs. I wanted to run my fingers along his torso, and kiss from his lips all the way down to his dick.

The visible tent in his running shorts doesn't go unnoticed by me. I lick my lips and look into his eyes. Even though he is carrying on a conversation with Rayanne, he is staring dead at me. Maybe I imagined it, but he gave me a small wink before saying goodbye to us.

"Spill it bitch! He couldn't keep his eyes off of you." I slam my front door shut and throw my jacket onto the counter. I let out a long sigh before speaking.

"He came to the bar last night and was already tipsy. He ordered more shots so by the end of the night, he was plastered. I drove him home and he gave me his jacket."

"That's it? I was getting second hand sexual tension." She smirks and I laugh at her, swatting her shoulder.

"That's it. Nothing else has happened."

"Yet." She concludes. I let her words linger around in my mind. My heart is pounding in my chest just thinking about him.

"I'm going to go take a shower." I mumble and make my way into the bathroom.

"Have an orgasm for me!" She shouts and I throw my head back with laughter. I haven't touched myself to the thought of him yet, but I planned on it today. Seeing him shirtless formed a need that I had to take care of.

I let the water get hot and strip of my running clothes. I step in, letting the hot water soothe my muscles. I close my eyes and imagine how it would feel to have Rhett in here with me. I haven't been able to get the image of him shirtless out of my mind.

I press my back against the shower wall. My hand lightly cups one of my breasts and I pinch my hardened nipple. Shockwaves shoot through me. I bring one of my hands down between my legs, my fingers finding my most sensitive spot. I throw my head back against the shower wall and bite down on my lip. I wonder how it would feel to have his lips on me. To have his fingers inside of me. To have him inside of me. I rub my clit in fast circles and it doesn't take long for my orgasm to wash over me. I don't feel guilty as I step out of the shower and dress.

Rayanne is sitting on my couch, holding a bowl of cereal out to me. I take it from her and sit down.

"Did you have that orgasm for me?" My cheeks turn cherry red and I laugh at her.

"No comment."  Changing the subject, I ask about her current relationship.

"How are things going with Erin?" She throws her brown locks into a messy bun before replying.

"Great! He's perfect for me." Her big brown eyes widen as she tells me about him. I am extremely happy for her.

"So I hear wedding bells in the near future?" She smiles brightly at me.

"I hope so!" I've only met Erin a handful of times since they first got together. There are some things that Rayanne liked to keep private and her love life was actually one of those, though she wanted to know all about mine.

I take a deep breath before knocking on Rhett's door.

"It's open!" He calls, and my heart pounds as I walk slowly into the room.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, knowing he probably had a hangover. A soft laugh leaves his lips as his hands move to run through his hair.

"Better than this morning." I can't stop the words that come from my mouth,

"So you think I'm an angel, huh?" I tease, standing in-front of his desk. His gaze moves from the paper he was looking at and land on my face. My lips specifically. He lets out a long breath and drums his fingers on his desk.

"I think it suits you well." His full lips twist into a smirk. So, he did remember it then. I was afraid he didn't. Changing the subject, I focus on actually helping him.

"What do you want me to do?" He stands from his desk and walks over towards a filing cabinet. He pulls out a folder with worksheets and hands them to me.

"Do you mind making copies of these for me?" I shake my head and stand up.

"How may do you need of each?"

"Thirty." I nod my head and make my way towards the printer. It's inside of his office, which is connected by only a door to his classroom. As I'm making copies, I let my mind wander. Last night when he was asleep in his car, he mumbled another woman's name. I didn't know if he had a girlfriend or was married, but I intended to ask before I went any further with him. Taking my earbuds from my pocket, I place onto into my ear and start jamming out. As my favorite song comes on, I can't resist moving my hips to the rhythm. I have to do something to entertain myself.

I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder, reeling me back to reality. He was so damn close to me I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. I swallow hard, my mind trying to focus on what to say.

"Yes, sir?" I question, ripping my earbuds from my ear. My stomach lurches into somersaults.

"Fuck it." He mutters, his hand leaving my shoulder. I am about to ask what's wrong when I feel a pair of soft lips graze the base of my neck. It sends my mind into a frenzy and if I couldn't think straight before, I really couldn't now.

The Professors Desires [18+] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now