Old is the new orange

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Roman is backstage getting ready for his match at WrestleMania Backlash against Cesaro.

Paul: Are you ready my Tribal Chief?

Roman: I was born ready

He walks out to the ring and gets in. He goes to raise his title, when Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater attack him. Jey USO slides in and tries to help, but Jinder just knocks Jey out. Heath and Jinder just keep attacking Roman, until Roman hits Heath with a hard right. Roman then hits Jinder in the stomach, then the chin and throws him out. Roman then grabs Heath and tosses him out on top of Jinder.

Roman: You really think you could attack me like that?

Then Cesaro comes from behind and clotheslines Reigns. The match starts and Cesaro is on the offense. Stomps to the chest of Roman, after an attack from Jinder and Heath. Cesaro pulls up Roman, off the ropes, and hits a vicious clothesline. Cesaro goes off the ropes, Roman moves and hits an uppercut on Cesaro.

(Quick note: I'm not going off the match cause I don't want to hurt myself doing it, so I'm just writing it from the top of my head. If you don't like it, then why you reading?)

Roman: You serious? Have two guys attacked me? You've got to be kidding, come here

He grabs Cesaro and throws him into the post. He pulls him out and back suplexes him. Jinder tries to get in the ring, but Jey superkicks him off. Heath then pulls him down and Jey hits face first off the apron. Roman slides out from the ring and then clotheslines Heath. He slides back in, but Cesaro uppercuts him. He uppercuts him again and then goes off the ropes, but Roman Samoan drops Cesaro. He pins him but gets two. Roman gets up, but Slater has a sleeper on Roman. Jinder gets on the ring and goes for a big boot, but Roman ducks and it hits Slater. Jinder then grabs a kendo stick and hits Roman, making the ref disqualify Cesaro. The three of them then start to assault Roman. Jey ladies back in with a chair and takes out Cesaro and Slater. Jinder goes for a hit, but Jey hits the chair before he does. Roman Superman punches Jinder out of the ring. He then pushed Jey out of the way and spears Slater. Jey then superkicks Cesaro. Jey grabs the Universal Championship from Paul and gives it to Roman, who then raises it in the air as the announcer says the winner.

Roman gets to the back and is pissed

Roman: I can't believe he went so low and had those two attack me

Paul: Pure cowardice my Tribal Chief

Jey: That or those two were jealous Cesaro was put on the Island of Relevancy

Roman: I can deal with it later. But for now, We got some business to handle. When's the Smackdown Women's Championship match?

Paul: That is two matches from now

Roman: Is Nyla in it?

Paul: It's a Fatal Four Way. Charlotte, Nyla, Sasha and Lacey are in it

Roman: We'll have to be on time then.

Paul: What is your plan?

Roman: Well, simple, add the Smackdown Women's Championship into the Bloodline

Paul: Pardon me, my Tribal Chief, but we don't know if Nyla is in your bloodline

Roman: That is true

Jey: But won't it mess up a little bit since after this, my brother is gonna come back

Roman: No, it won't. It's not like I'm adding the Women's Tag Titles, those things have been driven into the ground

Paul: If I may ask?

Roman: Go ahead

Paul: Is there any special interest in Nyla? Or are you just doing it for the Championship?

Roman: She's proven that she can handle herself in the ring. And out too.

Paul: Ah. So that your plan?

Roman: Yes. But since it's a Fatal Four Way, we'll have to time it right

Jey: chuckles She do got that booty though

Roman: looks at him like what the fuck

Jey: Sorry


Nyla, Sasha, Bayley, and Charlotte are in the ring. The match starts and Sasha goes after Bayley, leaving Charlotte and Nyla in the ring. They both shrug and start hammering away. Nyla pushes Charlotte off and does a side kick, making Charlotte go to the outside. Bayley comes in and attacks from behind. Nyla grabs her arm and does a knee strike to the head. She hits Bayley into the corner. Then she runs to the other corner, then runs back and does a hip attack, making Bayley drop. She looks behind her and sees her sitting. She smiles as she hikes up a wedgie and gives Bayley a stinkface.

Bayley crawls out of the corner, while wiping her face. Nyla laughs as she fixes her outfit. Sasha then does her vintage meteora, dropping Nyla. Nyla rolls out. Sasha goes to grab her, but Charlotte grabs her and tosses her across the ring. Bayley goes to hit Charlotte, but she blocks and hits Bayley with a right. Nyla comes back in and clotheslines both women. She hits a boot on Sasha. She pulls up Charlotte and puts her on the top rope. Charlotte kicks her and then gets down. Sasha hits a double knees into Charlotte driving her into the corner. Nyla then picks up Bayley and does, unintentionally, an F-5 on her. She gets to a knee when Sasha runs and hits her with a meteora. Then Sasha goes off the corner and hits a meteora on Charlotte. Bayley grabs Sasha and does a Bayleyplex.

After a few minutes, Nyla and Sasha are in the ring trading blows. Outside the ring Bayley is laying through a broken table, courtesy of Charlotte. Charlotte is on the steel steps, because Sasha slammed her on them. Nyla then dodges a punch, and spin kicks Sasha. Sasha crawls to the corner. Nyla hikes it up again and quickly stinkfaces Sasha, then fixes her outfit. She then gets Sasha up and does a Springboard Falcon Arrow. Bayley then comes into the ring and kicks Nyla, and does a DDT. Then suddenly Roman's music hits and they come out. He looks at Sasha, who is covering her face after what she received. He then climbs onto the apron, as Bayley looks at him confused. She then turns around and Nyla hits her with a Midnight Special

Nyla gets the pin and three count. The ref hands her the title as Roman enters the ring. He grabs his Universal Championship and holds it in one hand.

Roman: Join us, and you can hold that title forever

Nyla is hesitant, thinking about what to do. He offers a hand. Nyla looks around. She then looks at his hand, then at him. She takes his hand and shakes it. Then he raises her hand and his Universal Title. Nyla raises her Women's Championship.

Michael: I can't believe it, The new Smackdown Women's Champion has aligned herself with the Tribal Chief.

Corey: Smart move though, keep her reign safe

The last sight before the cameras cut is Nyla and Roman standing together, on top of Smackdown

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