Money in the Bank

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It's Money in the Bank time

Nyla: I can do this

Roman: And remember, don't focus on just making sure the finish is right. Just put on a good show.

Nyla: Okay

Roman: You'll do good

Nyla: Thanks Roman

Nyla jogs around the arena for a bit. Roman joins her.

When it gets to the third to last match. Nyla is getting ready

Nyla: is doing push ups

Roman: You nervous?

Nyla: Yeah, cause it's a PPV in front of an audience

Roman: Just do your best against Bayley and Bianca

Nyla: That's it?

Roman: And retain your title

Nyla: laughs

Roman: Alright I gotta go

Nyla: Good luck

Her match is after the Women's Money in the Bank match. Which Nikki A.S.H has won.

Nyla comes out and the crowd cheers, though on TV and everything else they make them boo her. She comes to the side of the ring and climbs up. She turns to the crowd and holds her title up. She turns to go in the ring, shakes her ass a little, then goes in. She goes to the corner and sits on top as Bayley and Bianca do their entrances.

The match starts and Bayley immediately kicks Nyla out. Bayley then immediately hits Bianca with a big boot. She goes for the pin, but Bianca kicks out before the ref even touches the mat. Bayley grabs Bianca for a Bayleyplex, but Nyla hits a hard right hand. She shoves her off the ropes, then lifts her up and Bianca catches her and does a powerslam. Bayley rolls out and Nyla clotheslines Bianca over the top rope. Nyla rolls out and gets rammed into the apron by Bayley. Bianca hits Bayley with a chair, then Nyla clotheslines her. Nyla grabs the chair and throws it in the ring. Bayley then hits Nyla with a right, then throws her into the barricade. Bianca grabs Bayley and throws her into the ring. Bianca then begins to do a combo on her. Nyla slowly gets up and slides into the ring and runs into both of them, sending them both into the corner. She then goes to the other corner, runs back and hip attacks them. She grabs Bayley and throws her to the ropes then suplexes her smoothly. She then belly to belly suplexes her, then does a backflip elbow drop. Bayley rolls out of the ring. Nyla rolls her eyes and scoffs, as she does a backflip out of the ring onto Bayley. The crowd explodes with shock. After Nyla does that, Bianca lifts her into the K.O.D, and slams her on the announce people. The table breaks as Nyla lands on it.

Bianca rolls back in the ring, which Bayley hits a similar version of Rollins' stomp, Nyla was holding her stomach. Bayley goes for the pin and gets two. Nyla held it and was breathing hard. The ref slides out of the ring to check on Nyla, as Bayley does her Bayleyplex and goes for the pin.

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