This took a turn

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The Bloodline's in the ring

Roman: Now I know with Seth Rollins interfering with my match against Edge may have caused some outbreak and controversy. But, to be honest, I didn't have anything to do with that. I don't need help. These two did it out of their own decision, and their obligations to me. Because they know if the Tribal Chief loses, they lose. If the Tribal Chieftess loses, they don't just lose, they lose their dignity

Crowd ooohs

Roman: But the fact remains, we rule Smackdown. I rule Smackdown looks at Nyla We rule Smackdown.

He goes to say "Acknowledge Me" when Edge's music hits.

Edge: Roman I'm out here because of a request I wasn't able to do because Money in the Bank was around the corner

Roman: Your asking for a request? What is this? The Chamber of Commerce?

Edge: You can call it whatever, but I want this to happen

Roman: What to happen?

Edge: A match

Roman: You don't get a third chance

Edge: Not with you

Roman: You want the boys one on one or you got a tag partner?

Edge: Not then Roman points at Nyla Her

The croed cheers. Roman just gets mad

Roman: You saying that just because she hit a better spear than yours?

Edge: No. I'm asking because she's the only one that can get shit done on her own

Crowd ooohs louder

Nyla: I accept

The crowd cheers. Roman looks at Nyla like she's crazy

Roman: You accept?!

Nyla: Gotta shut him up eventually. His talk bores me. Nothing has changed about him accept age and looks.

Roman: looks down then back at her You sure you can take him?

Nyla: Yes

Roman: Okay nods

That match, as it was turned into the main event

Nyla is in the ring, with Roman and the Usos behind her at the announcers table. Edge comes out and walks to the ring with the Mysterios and Ricochet. He slowly gets in the ring and the ref rings the bell.

He walks to the middle of the ring and puts his hand out for a handshake.

Nyla: Really?

Edge: This is a rare thing in WWE Nyla. You maybe with him, but I still respect you

Nyla looks at Roman, then hits a massive right hand across Edge's cheek. This drops Edge on his ass as he holds his cheek.

Michael: One right hand drops Edge!

Pat: I've never seen that before. Hell I didn't think this match was a possibility!

Edge gets up and hits Nyla with a forearm. She blocks the second one and does a survey of strikes. Ribs, quads, knees, she was hitting everything. She then pushes him off and hits a dropkick, sending him into the corner. She goes to the corner cross from him, then runs back at him and clotheslines him. She holds his arm in place, and keeps clotheslines coming. He blocks one and headbutts her off. He pushes her off the ropes and across the ring. He goes down for a back body drop, but Nyla rolls over him. He turns around but gets hit with a pele kick. He bounces off the ropes and Nyla arm drags him to the mat. She then holds him arm in a lock and his a knee on his head. He rolls her onto her back, which she then switches into a triangle submission hold.

Edge picks her up and powerbombs her, but she doesn't let go. He does it again, she still doesn't release. He does a third time, but with his knees. She let's go and rolls off. She gets to her feet, but Edge beats her to to the punch with a big boot. She bounces off the corner and hits a straight right. She kicks him back, then does a step up enziguri. She rolls back into the corner, gets on the second rope, then hits a corkscrew elbow drop on Edge. She kips up and screams, hyping the crowd up. She goes to grab Edge's arm, but he catches her in an inside cradle pin. She kicks out at two. She then slaps herself for being stupid. They both get to their feet, but Nyla kicks him in the midsection. She then lifts him in a Fireman's Carry. She then flips him as if to do an AA, but she catches him with her arms around his waist and hits a massive German Suplex. She gets two before he kicks out. She then sits in disbelief. Roman walks up to her

Roman: You can still get him

Nyla: He's gotta out of everything. What can I do?

Roman whispers something in her ear then goes to and sits back down. She gets up and watches Edge as he gets up. She then goes to the corner. She watches as he gets to his feet. Once he does she runs to him and does a hurricarana then lands Edge on the middle rope. She then pretends to dial numbers on her hand

Michael: Wait don't tell me she's doing that

Pat: She is Cole!

She bounces off the ropes, runs to Edge, grabs the first and second rope and hits a 619, Rey's own move. She then does a Springboard Splash from the outside. She pins him but gets two. She gets up, and so does Edge. She decides to try something again, but as she runs back Edge hits her with a spear

Michael: Spear! Spear!

Pat: It's done! Over!

Edge pins her, and shockingly kicks out at 2.5. The crowd cheers.

Michael: She kicked out!

Pat: She's not letting Roman down! She's making her word true!

Michael: Notice how the Bloodline didn't get up to stop the count

Pat: Because Roman believes in his Cheiftess.

Edge tries to think of something. He goes to the corner for another spear. He waits as Nyla gets up, but the distance is too long. Edge runs to Nyla, but Nyla hits a spear of her own!

Michael: Spear from Nyla!

Pat: The almost folded Edge in half!

She pins him.




Michael: Nyla beat Edge! Nyla beat Edge!

Pat: She did it! Oh my god!

The Bloodline's theme plays as Nyla holds her stomach as her hand gets raised. Roman gets her title from the time keeper and enters the ring with the Usos. He hands Nyla her title and raises her hand as Edge and the others walk away from the ring

Michael: The Bloodline stands tall

Pat: Nyla said to both Edge and Roman, she's gonna win. She did just that. Beating a legend like that will make you a menace.

Michael: That was a great match, especially for a man vs woman match

Pat: If she can take down a WWE Hall of Famer, a legend in this business, who can beat her?

Nyla smirks at the camera and winks before the Bloodline leaves.

The Tribal Chief's Chieftess {Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now