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Third person's point of view.

It was the next day when Tony came to get Chris, she'd gotten a text as he was leaving and had used his commute time to get ready. It didn't take him long as he was flying over in the S.H.I.E.L.D jet that was sent to get him. Which she loaded all the things she'd need onto as he was sitting and having a drink. "Seriously Toñito? it's 9am." she scolded, "Yes seeing as we'll be busy for a few days I thought I get in at least one good drink." he said and she sighed.

The flight to the air base took about an hour, and when we arrived we were told that agents had already left to apprehend Loki. Getting to the bridge after putting her things down with Tony's, she went to the bridge, she then looked at one of the computer guys, "Location?" turning from the screen to look at her he paled a bit but answered, "Stuttgart, Germany. 28, Konigstrasse." smirking she nodded, "In form Stark that I'll see him there," and before suddenly vanishing. 


When Chris reappeared she was in Germany in front of the museum. Loki was wailing away on the walking American flag and his metal Frisbee. Not hesitating at all Chris teleported again and popped up behind Loki and grabbed hold of one end the scepter in his hand. He was startled by this and spun to attack her. Ducking under his arm, she kicked his feet out from under him and he let go of the scepter.   

Which she kept in her hand as she continued to advance on him. In the fight Captain America rolled out of the way to keep from being stepped on and Chris smirked. "Head's up Cap," she said tossing him the scepter. He caught it and this freed up her hands. Smirking as she held up her hands ready for a fist fight, Loki summoned blades. She smirked under her mask, "Ok," she said then reached under her coat and drew out her blades. 

Her's being duel swords, "Seems mine are longer," she taunted, his eyes narrowed at her before he lunged. He had to move in a lot closer because his knives where smaller which fucked with Chris' reach, "Head's up!" Captain America called from behind Chris, teleporting out of the way, she popped back in a few feet from Loki, just in time to catch the shield and she smirked, throwing it she enhanced her strength so it would hit harder.

Hitting Loki in the chest, crashing onto his back the shield lands back in Captain America's hands and when Loki tried to get back up, Chris is there with her blades held to his neck. Suddenly, AC/DC's "Shoot to Thrill" overdrives the Quinjet's speakers. Chris sighed as both Cap and Loki look up at the sky. Tony flies over in his Iron man suit and touches down. He stands up and pulls out every piece of weaponry the suit has and aims it at Loki.

Chris pulls away and puts her weapons away. "Who are you?" Loki say looking at her, Chris is contemplating telling him but Tony speaks first. "Like she'd tell you," reaching down Chris grabs Loki's arm and pulls him to his feet, she also weakens his strength to keep him docile as they lead him back to the jet. 


 With Loki tied up and cuffed to his seat, Tony and Steve watch from a distance, whispering. "I don't like it." Tony is openly watching Loki as Steve speaks with his back to him, "What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" Tony implies, "I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a wallop." Steve says, Tony smirks then turns to Chris, "Does he? From what I saw he didn't look very tough," Tony teased.

"I've gone up against stronger at the school." she said and Steve frowned. "What school?" Steve asked, "You wouldn't have heard about it, it's old by current dates, but new to yours." she said and if that didn't confuse him, his mind trying to calculate her age did. "How old are you then?" he asked out right, he usually wouldn't ask a woman her age as it's impolite but he figured she didn't care. 

"Why don't you do the math, I was born in '46," she said then turned back to her phone. Loki had his eyes on her, before the arrival of the thunderstorm has his eyes elsewhere. "What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve taunts, Chris rolls her eyes. "Don't you guys read, that's his brother's thing with lightning," Chris said then leaned her head into the cockpit, "Expect a visitor," she warned. 

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