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Third person's point of view.

Chris was in a little gym onboard whacking away at a punching bag when Steve came in. He was still suited up minus his cowl and shield. "How is your name Rogers?" he asked while leaning against the wall, "Why should I answer?" she snapped while working through another sequence of hits, "How about because I asked." he said firmly but she wasn't intimidated. She scoffed, "You don't scare me Gramps," she said and he frowned,

"There's only 28 years difference between us," he snapped, "By your point, your old enough to be my father." she said, "I doubt that's even possible, I've never been with anyone like that," he said and she nodded, "your right, but did the people who worked for the RSS every take DNA from you, any kind that you can think of?" she said trying to get his brain working on any kind of detail he could remember.

Then it clicked and he started to mumble to himself wondering who and when something like Chris was implying could have happened. "You were already gone by the time this happened," Chris said as she turned back to the punching bag. "My mother was a nurse and kinda crazy, she through you had feeling for her and that she had a right to your baby making stuff." Chris said and Steve sighed. He had experienced things like that while touring and doing the bonds shows. 

But to think someone would go that far, wiggs him out. "What was her name?" he asked, "Terrie, though I doubt that was her real name, she had a heavy Irish accent and used to warn me about going to Ireland," Chris said, "It's possible she fled from there back in her youth." she added quickly, sounding very annoyed. "Look I don't like talking about my mom, so don't ask anything else." Chris said,

"Then tell me about you," Steve said, "Why should I? I doubt you actually care, you're probably just guilty about the fact that you're only know finding out you have a kid," he nodded, "Your right I am feeling guilty, I was told in 2011, I had a year to figure out everything, I had Fury's number I could have asked but I didn't I assumed I had no one, from my old life, my best friend died and the woman I loved lived her life after I was gone." he said,

"But it was for that same reason I never went looking I didn't know what life you lived, and I wasn't about to make it even more complicated by showing up suddenly. So yes, I wanted to sooth my own guilt by getting to know my last living blood relative," he said, and Chris sighed. "Fine we'll talk about this, but not now, there are other things that are a bit more important," she said, 

"But if you want, we can work on updating that fighting style, your boxer moves aren't going to get you far," she said, and he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.


After the two of them sparred, Steve excused himself to go and check on something that was bothering him from earlier, Chris needed to change anyway and shower. She was rinsing off the soap when the Red-head popped into the showers, "Fury want's you to interrogate Loki." Chris pushed her hair from her face and looked at her through the water, "Why me, you are clearly the master at it," she countered.

"You built a repour with him," she countered back, "You mean to tell me him offering to make me his queen, is making a repour with him?" Chris asked, she nodded. "That's shit." the woman shrugged, ""So what does he want me to do, hit on him or something in the hopes that he spills his guts?" she asked and she smirked. "That is the hope." Chris sighed, "I'll try but don't get your hopes up," she said and the woman nodded.

"I'm Natasha by the way, I don't think we've been properly introduced." Natasha said, "Thing is we have met, back when Tony was 'dying' and you and Nick forced him to figure out a new element. I was mostly a snack deliverer for Tony as I would only come in when he was alone. But I did spend some time watching from higher vantage points." she said, "You looked nice with the long curls." she commented as she walked by Natasha.

She could feel Natasha's eyes on her as she walked back into the locker room to get dressed.


Making her way back to the holding cell, Chris didn't care that she was giving away some form of stealth by making noise when she entered

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Making her way back to the holding cell, Chris didn't care that she was giving away some form of stealth by making noise when she entered. "I was expecting the one of the others," Loki said as he watched Chris sit in front of his cell, "Yeah well so was I, but we don't all get what we want." she said as she started to braid her hair out of her face, "You know I could help you with that," Loki said, Chris smirked, "Really?" she asked playing a bit dumb.

"Yes, just open the door and I'll help," he said as he stood near the door, getting up she moved towards the door like she would open it but was suddenly inside and standing behind him, "You going to help me?" she said and he tried to hide his shock and disappointment. "oops forgot the chair," she said then popped back out and grabbed the chair and reappeared back in the cell. He knew exactly what she was doing,

She was showing him that she could do what he could not, which is leave. Sitting with her back to him, she waited. "So who taught you to braid?" she asked and he sighed softly, "My mother," he answered, his fingers grazing her neck gave her chills, "Ooh, cold," she gasped. "Apologies," he said on reflex. "Is it because of your lineage to the Frost giants?" he paused at her words. "How...?" he said and she smirked.

"I have a degree in history and mythology. Among other things." she said and then turned her head to look at him. "I can tell you more about me if it interests you, Princeling," she said addressing him sweetly, "then again if your not interested, I'll go and won't bug you again." she said and moved to get up. But his hands on her shoulders stopped her. "What would you like to know, Princeling?" she asked as his hands moved back up to her hair.


Exiting out of the cell and making her way to the labs where she was told everyone was, she stormed in, to find everyone arguing. "Shut up!" she snapped and they all stopped to look at her. "Get out and stay away from Bruce, Loki's men are on the way, they were tracking him, to find the ship, now get to your stations and keep an eye out for Loki's men." When Fury and Natasha didn't move she looked to Steve and Tony.

But they didn't say anything. "Why the fuck would I lie! You sent me in there to get the information you wanted, now move." she snapped and Fury left with Natasha. "Tony suit up and get outside. Protect the outside as much as you can." He took off as well, "Cap to the bridge, coordinate with Fury, it's easier to get to places from there." she added. "Bruce, sweetie head to your room and lock the door." she said and kissed his cheek.

"Chrissy! Wait!" Bruce called, stopping in the doorway, she turned just as he tossed the scepter to her, "Keep it moving so they can't take it while no one is in here," he said and she smirked, "Good big brain move Bugaboo," she cooed before blowing him a kiss then leaving. Tucking the scepter into the bands of her quiver and back holsters, she took off down the halls. On her way to the main outdoor deck she popped in an ear communication device and turned it on. 

"Chris there are two jets, I'm currently taking care of one, but the other has landed and the agents inside are getting in. "Got it! Cap you there?" she called as she was running through the halls, "I've got a few of them trying to get onto the bridge!" he called into the coms. "Okay call if you need help, I'm going to stop the others." she called. "I've got Hill and Fury, we'll be fine." she didn't bother answering.     

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