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Third person's point of view.

As the train continued, Chris had realized that Logan wasn't doing so good. Turning to Mariko, she spoke softly. "We need to get off here, I need to patch up Logan." Mariko looked like she wanted to stay and keep going but her expression softened and she gave in to Chris and they got up and Chris helped Logan to his feet so they could get off at the upcoming stop. "Where are we going?" Logan asked weakly. 

"Hotel, I need to patch you up, old man." Chris said as she supported Logan's weight. "But it seems like only Love Hotels have availability right now." Chris said. Mariko sighed and picked the closest one. When they went in they were greeted by an older lady with a cat. Logan tried asking for a room or two rooms next to each other, but the older lady only had rooms far apart. Picking one, Chris helped him into the room when he stumbled out of the elevator.

Plopping him down in one of the chairs, Chris set her hat down on the table next to Logan. "Lose the top, Old Man." Chris ordered as Mariko sat on the edge of the bed. "What?" he gasped out, "Now solider, or do I need to pull rank here?" she asked. Seeing as she knew he knew about their past together because it involved her and she wouldn't lie to him about how they know each other. 

Sucking his teeth at her, he pulled off his coat and struggled with the buttons of his shirt, but got that off too. In just a tank top he sat up as straight as he could. "I know you can heal, but maybe dodging some hits would be smart, yes?" she said rhetorically and he snorted at her as a chuckle came with it. But he instantly regretted it as it hurt because of his wounds. "Stupid." she said as she then moved over to the bathroom for the first aid box under the sink. 

Coming back, she started to work on Logan. He'd wince and flinch but she moved as quickly as she could. She didn't need him stabbing her with his claws. When she was done, she went and found a futon in the closet and pulled it out for Logan to sleep on. There was the single futon and then the bed. "Where are you going to sleep?" Mariko asked and Chris smiled, "I don't." was all she said.


Chris was standing on the balcony in the rain keeping watch while Logan and Mariko slept inside. Finally with this moment to breathe, she found she couldn't stop thinking about Loki. Chris was confused. She thought she was finished with the sexual confusion, she didn't realized she'd have to deal with more, when she already knew that women were her preference. there must be more to it. 

History reminds Chris that Loki also goes by Loke. A female version of himself. In earth terms that would be considered Genderfluid. Not to mention either bisexual or which ever they preferred. So it shouldn't be so hard to accept that Chris is in fact still gay for women but this one person she is apparently crushing on, is sometimes a woman and sometimes a man. Hearing footsteps beside her, 

Chris turned and just in time too, to avoid being shot in the face. But as she was ducking out of the way, the Yakuza assassin came screaming at her, with the strength he put forth and the bad footing Chris had, she easily went over the rail. But she was able to soften her landing by teleporting and shortening the fall. It's not to say it still didn't hurt. Two more Yakuza guys came out from behind some parked cars and had tazer guns. 

"Shit." Chris gasped out as she rolled to avoid the first one, but the second guy, kicked her in the back and she fell face first onto the ground, groaning she moved to get up again but the guy who kicked her had fired off his tazer and hit her right in the back. It took all her will power not to scream. Taunting her and kicking her as the other guy held the trigger for the tazer, the first guy who'd pushed her off shouted down.

"Kill her already!" the first guy who tried to tazer her pulled out a real gun and aimed it at her, "Wanna say something before you die, Gaijin?" he snarled but the screams of the first guy had the shooter turned to look up, only for a body to fall and land on the car near them. A throwing knife imbedded in his back. The whoosh of another knife, had the guy tazing Chris fall and release the gun. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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