Ch 6: Ochaco's Prespective

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When Ochaco started going out with Bakugo, she was pretty happy all things considered but she hoped that didn't ruin her friendship with Izuku which he said it didn't which made her feel a bit better about the whole thing.

At first, when she noticed Izuku refused to speak to Bakugo at all, she didn't pay too much attention to it as that's to be expected when you fall out with a friend, you don't want to talk to them, or see them for that matter.

But now? She doesn't know what to think anymore.

She just got back to the dorms after visiting her parents as she saw Bakugo badly injured as she ran to him.

Ochaco: "Katsuki, are you ok?"

Katsuki: "I'm fine!"

Ochaco: "No you're not."

Katsuki: "Yes I am!"

Ochaco: "No. You're. Not!"

Ochaco sat him down as she looked for things to patch him up as she started fixing him up.

Ochaco: "What did you do anyway?"

Katsuki: "I got into a fight with that damn Deku!"

Ochaco: "What?"

Katsuki: "Yeah, out of nowhere, he started beating me up for no reason and wasn't fighting fair because he didn't give a chance to fight back, I totally could have won that fight!"

Ochaco: "Yeah, sure you could."

Ochaco rolled her eyes at Bakugo's statement while he kept ranting.

Katsuki: "That ungrateful unless bastard. After everything I did for him, this is how he repays me?! After all the times I saved him from bullies and helping him learn to fight, now he treats me like I'm nothing because of his new stupid rich bitch!?"

Given Bakugo's attitude, Ochaco wasn't buying that Izuku started fighting him with no reason. Izuku isn't the kind to just beat someone on a whim. That's more Bakugo's thing.

She always knew Bakugo was jealous of Izuku but now, she's starting to wonder if it's jealousy and not just pure malice and hatred on his end.

She went to treat his wounds but Bakugo slapped her hand away.

Katsuki: "What part of I'm fine don't you fucking understand!? I am fucking fine Cheeks!"

She rolled her eyes as she left for her room as Bakugo was pissed.

Katsuki: "OI! Where the hell are you going Cheeks!? I'm hurting all over here!"

Ochaco: "To my room because clearly you don't need nor care for my help!"

Ochaco reached her room as she slammed her door as she slide down the door, onto the ground as she wanted to know why he treated her like that when she just wanted to help her boyfriend as she started to crying.

Ochaco: "What did I do to deserve this?"

The next day rolled around and went by as any other at U.A expect Ochaco avoided Bakugo for the whole day as Ochaco was in the common room, thinking as she saw Izuku making something.

Ochaco: "Oh, hey Deku."

Izuku: "Hey."

Ochaco: "What are you doing?"

Izuku: "Just making a little something for Momo and Eri."

Ochaco: "They're getting along?"

Izuku: "Eri absolutely loves Momo, she even called her Mama."

Ochaco: "Really?"

Izuku: "Yeah, it was so adorable. I even got a picture of Momo reading Eri a story."

Izuku showed Ochaco the picture he took of Momo and Eri on his phone as her heart melted.

Izuku showed Ochaco the picture he took of Momo and Eri on his phone as her heart melted

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Ochaco: "Oh, that's adorable!"

Izuku: "I know right? Nearly sent me into shock."

Ochaco braced herself as she wanted to get Izuku's side of his and Bakugo's fight.

Ochaco: "Oh, I heard that you and Katsuki got into a fight yesterday."

Izuku: "Figures he would have told you."

Ochaco: "Yeah. He told me you started wailing on him out of nowhere and said you weren't fighting fairly which is how he lost."

Izuku: "Ha. Of course he said that. He never could accept when someone's better than him back then, and he definitely can't now. And he definitely had that beating coming after what he said to Momo."

Ochaco: "Then he started going on a tangent, saying you were an ungrateful bastard after all he did for you when you were kids."

Izuku: "More like he's the ungrateful bastard. I did everything for back then, helped with his homework, did his projects for him, bailing him out of trouble and stopping him from doing something he'll regret."

Ochaco: "You know, sounds like you two have unresolved issues. Maybe you should talk things out with Katsuki."

Izuku: "Talk things out? With Bakugo? HAHAHAHHAH! Get real, that dumbass you call a boyfriend can be bothered listen to reason even if it bit his ass off! I should know, it's happened to him multiple times! So shut up and start thinking realistically!"

Ochaco: "Ok, I'm sorry Deku, I was trying to help."


Ochaco jumped back at the sound of Izuku scream and slightly over the fact he sweared as she was a bit scared as she saw that his eyes were yellow instead of green.

Izuku: "I am so sick and tired of people thinking I'm the one with the problem when Bakugo's been causing problems since day goddamn 1!"

Ochaco: "Then what's really the problem between you two?"

Izuku: "Why the hell do you care?"

Ochaco: "Because I'm your friend."

Izuku: "Then do me a favor and drop it harder than your family's financial situation!"

Ochaco: "What the hell you jerk, that's uncalled for! I just want to help you make up with your best friend."

Izuku: "If you still he's my best friend even after you saw how he treats me, we were never friends!"

Izuku finished what he was making for Eri as he stormed off to his room, leaving Ochaco sad that she and Izuku aren't friends anymore as she wondered what could have led to this.

That's when Ochaco suddenly had a realization, was all the result of her choosing Bakugo over Izuku?

No, she couldn't be the reason for all of this.




















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