Ch 7: Fresh Start

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After Ochaco and Izuku fell out, things have gotten worse for her. Whenever she tried spending time with Bakugo, he'd constantly blow her off,  saying he has better things to do but when she's trying to do something of her own, he would drag her along with whatever stupid things he's doing.

To make matters worse, Bakugo started getting aggressive with Ochaco when she tried to spend time away from him like when her parents were visiting,  he forced her to tell them she can't see them due to school work. One time she tried to apologize to Izuku but Bakugo stopped her from doing, saying that if she thought of cheating on him with Izuku, he'd make her life hell as Ochaco felt trapped and that it was all her fault.

What's even worse is that Mina, Toru, Sero and Kaminari all believe that Ochaco and Bakugo are perfect together despite seeing the shit he's done first hand.

This has been going on to Ochaco for the past month but what she didn't know was that today was the she would get a fresh start with love.

The class had ended as Ochaco saw Bakugo left without as she was relieved that she didn't have to deal with him for the rest of the day as she felt someone tap her shoulder.

Ochaco turned around, excepting to see Bakugo but to her surprise, she was met by Shoto.

Ochaco: "Oh, Todoroki. Wasn't expecting you."

Shoto: "Sorry if I scared you. Uh, are you busy right now?"

Ochaco: "No. Why?"

Shoto: "Well, I was wondering if you'd like to hangout with me. We always hung out with Izuku, Iida and Tsu but not by ourselves."

Ochaco: "Oh yeah, we haven't."

Shoto: "So?"

Ochaco thought about it for a while as she was worried how Bakugo would react if he found out about this. But she realized it'd be fine as long as he doesn't know.

Out of site, out of mind as they say.

Ochaco: "Sure, let's go."

Shoto gave her his hand to hold which she hesitated to do but when she did, she felt relaxed and safe as she and Shoto left U.A for some fun.

Shoto: "So, what do you want to do first?"

Ochaco: "Wait, you didn't plan this far?"

Shoto: "I did, but the guy always decides what to do so I figured it'd be nice to let you decide what we should do."

Ochaco was surprised that Shoto was taking her opinion into consideration since Bakugo never let her decide what to do as she decided to go whatever they feel like as Shoto liked the sound of that.

After awhile of walking around and stopping by shops and talking, Shoto offered to have Ochaco stay at his place for the night as it was a Friday and while Ochaco was worried about Bakugo's reaction, but she brushed it off as she accepted Shoto's offer as they went to his home.

When they got there, Shoto prayed to god that none of his family was home as the door was locked as Shoto unlocked the door and was glad his family weren't home to embarrass him, especially his sister and mother as he Ochaco went inside.

(Endeavor's not an ass in this btw)

(Endeavor's not an ass in this btw)

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