Ch 11: Even More Good News

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After Izuku and Momo got engaged at Momo's birthday, the two were more happy then they've been yet as Momo was getting married to the man of her dreams and has a beautiful little snowball for a daughter as their friends were happy for them while Eri was overjoyed that her mama and papa were getting married and got a bit too excited about having younger siblings to which she asked Izuku and Momo were babies come from.

Needless to say, Izuku and Momo had a fun time trying their best to explain that to Eri without ruining her innocence.

Of course not everyone was happy as Mina was now completely depressed as she has no chance getting with Izuku even though she had no chance to begin with as she started to fully entertain the idea of going full on yandere mode and kill Momo but that also is impossible as Izuku and Momo were almost never apart and that Nezu allowed Izuku to share Momo's room to make room for two new students for 1-A which are Shinso and Camie.

Surprisingly, when Izuku moved into Momo's room, he barely brought any of his AM stuff from his room as Momo asked why that was to which Izuku just told her that he loved her more than his AM collection and sent it back to his parents place as Momo was touched that she was the thing Izuku loved most as after Izuku was finished unpacking, he and Momo just cuddled for the rest of the day.

After school on Friday, Izuku and Momo visited his parents for dinner and for majority of the time, Inko was going on about the planning she and Momo's mom had for the wedding and that it should be ready to go in a few months as Momo was really happy that her mom and future mother-in-law were taking the wedding very seriously while Izuku and Hisashi just watched Inko going on about the wedding.

Yeah, how they are able to live with and contain Inko's antics, no one will never know.

Izuku: "You're definitely on top of this Mom."

Inko: "Of course I am, I want my baby boy's special day to be wonderful and unforgettable."

Izuku: 'You'd think getting married to the girl I love would be enough to be unforgettable.'

Inko: "And that's not the only bit of good news."

Izuku was confused by that as Inko gave Izuku a mug and a t-shirt that both said world's best big brother on both which confused him further.

Izuku: "Uhh, I appreciate the gift Mom but I'm not a. . . . wait a minute."

Izuku looked at his gifts then to his parents who were both smiling as he looked back and forth for a few seconds before realizing.

Izuku: "I'm going to be a big brother?"

Inko nodded as Izuku hugged his parents as Momo joined in on the group hug.

Izuku: "So, is it a boy or a girl?"

Hisashi: "We're having twin girls!"

Momo was excited that she was going to be a big sister as she then started daydreaming about her and Izuku having children.

Izuku: "Have you picked names yet?"

Inko: "Not yet."

Izuku: "I have some. How about Izumi and Hina?"

Inko: "Those are lovely names honey."

Inko smiled before she hugged her little boy as the family continued having dinner as Izuku and Momo were coming up with things to buy for the babies as after they finished dinner, they went into Izuku's room, which he also cut down on the All Might merch like he did at U.A as they sat on Izuku's bed as Izuku couldn't contain his excitement.

Izuku: "I can't believe that I'm going to have younger siblings soon."

Momo: "They're going to look so adorable."

Momo imagined multiple possible different looks for Izuku's sisters and all of them looked adorable as Momo then started thinking about she and Izuku having children and how adorable they would look as she looked to her green hubby.

Momo: "Hey Izuku?"

Izuku: "What's up Momo?"

Momo: "Do. . . do you think our babies will look adorable when we decide to have them?"

Izuku: "Of course they will, I have no doubt that will be the case. I can imagine our daughter looking just like you but with my eyes and freckles.

Momo: "And I can see our son looking like you with my eyes and hair color. And that Eri would be extremely happy being a big sister."

Izuku smiled as he cuddled with Momo as he grabbed his blanket and put it over them as Momo placed her head on Izuku's chest.

The two then drifted off to sleep as both Izuku and Momo dreamed of their future kids to which Momo did not want to stop dreaming about

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The two then drifted off to sleep as both Izuku and Momo dreamed of their future kids to which Momo did not want to stop dreaming about.

As the weekend passed, Izuku and Momo helped Inko with get things for the babies while Eri was overjoyed that Izuku was going to have siblings to which Izuku found it funny that Eri would be older than her aunts as the lovely couple returned to school once again to which it went off without much issues.

After class wrapped up and the students went to their dorms, to which Izuku and Momo ignored everyone who wasn't Eri or their friends as Mina watched how happy they were and hated that it was Momo who Izuku fell for as she looked at her hands and ultimately made a decision as she glared at Momo with rage as she and Izuku were none the wise about what was about to happen.

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