Second Year: The Chamber of Secrets - The Writing On The Wall

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Against of the Dark Arts is miserable too

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Against of the Dark Arts is miserable too. Laura thinks Gilderoy Lockhart is an arrogant and stupid dumbass, Laura can't believe he was from Ravenclaw, and she couldn't believe that Hermione Granger is having a crush on the other girls too. To be frank, if Dumbledore let this guy teach her the rest of the six years in Hogwarts, Laura rather die. In the first class, Lockhart first gave out the quiz which was full of the question about "HIMSELF", at the first time, Laura Swift gives herself a zero. What's worse, he sets the bunch of Cornish pixies out of cages, so before she can hear what's going on in the classroom, she and other Slytherins already run out to the outsides.

 What's worse, he sets the bunch of Cornish pixies out of cages, so before she can hear what's going on in the classroom, she and other Slytherins already run out to the outsides

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A few days after, Laura hears Pansy talking about the things that happened between Ron Weasley and Draco in the Quidditch field. Then she met Hermione in the library a few days after, that's the first time they met out of the classes for this term. "How's your friend, is he okay?" Laura asks about Ron Weasley, she doesn't want to know, she has never spoken to him before, so she doesn't even care at all. "Yeah, Ron's finally stopped having slugs out from his mouth." "Yuck..." Laura doesn't even want to imagine it. " I'm sorry for what Draco says to you, that is wrong." "Thank you for saying that." Hermione looks upset talking about that topic. "But you can't blame him actually, that's what happens being raised in the pureblood family as Malfoy." Laura thinks about Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy and says, but she finds Hermione becomes angrier. "Can't believe you say that, Ron and Neville are also in the pureblood family but..." "That's right... sorry." Hermione was right, it's not an excuse. "You know, sometimes I wonder why you were been sort to Slytherin." Laura knows who she meant about. "But I'm not that Gryffindor, too." And they all laugh about it. "And I can't believe you still think Lockhart is a good teacher!" Laura suddenly says. "Yes, he is!"

       Laura thought the reason why Harry Potter couldn't go through the nine and three quarter is all because of Dobby, according to what she had heard in Malfoy's house, however, she is not that sure after Halloween

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Laura thought the reason why Harry Potter couldn't go through the nine and three quarter is all because of Dobby, according to what she had heard in Malfoy's house, however, she is not that sure after Halloween. October 31st, after the Halloween feast end, while everyone leaving the diner to their house common room, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger was caught with Flitch's cat, Mr. Norris, who is being petrified, and blood everywhere. On the wall, if have the word 'The chamber of secrets has been open. Enemies of the heir, beware.' Written by blood. It can't be done by a house-elf, Laura thinks it might be the plot Dobby had mentioned, but she doesn't feel safe to tell anyone about that yet, and she couldn't just ask Draco about that. Laura wonders if Harry Potter would get expelled this time, but Dumbledore still favors him so it's impossible. All Laura hopes is nothing bad happen to her friend, Hermione, she is too close to Potter, but of course, Draco and Pansy don't feel the same way. "You'll be next, mudblood." Draco Malfoy says to Hermione, looks like he forgets Laura is also here.

       Something is bothering Laura, as it bothering all the other students in Hogwarts, about the blood writing on the wall that night, the story of the Chamber of Secrets

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Something is bothering Laura, as it bothering all the other students in Hogwarts, about the blood writing on the wall that night, the story of the Chamber of Secrets. Laura knows where to find the information she wants: Hogwarts: A History. Laura had read it several times last year before she enters Hogwarts, but she doesn't remember about the chamber, but she thinks she better read it again, to make sure the chamber of the Hogwarts wasn't in there. Laura also wrote a letter to her grand but she doubts she could get any useful answer because the only person who will possibly know about it in the Swift family is her mom, which is already dead and thinking about that it reminds Laura about Dumbledore and the last memory she saw in the Pensieve.

As she expected, Laura couldn't find a word about the chamber of secrets in Hogwarts: A History. She nearly gives up until Hermione Granger pops up a question to Professors Binns in History of Magic. "I was wondering if you could tell us anything about the Chamber of Secrets?" asks Granger, and suddenly everyone has interests in this boring class. First, Professor Binns talked about the basic history of Hogwarts, about the four founders, which bored Laura, she already knows this almost hundreds of times. "...Slytherin, he disliked taking students of Muggle parentage, believing them to be untrustworthy. After a while, there was a serious argument on the subject between Slytherin and Gryffindor, and Slytherin left the school." Says Professor Binns, and he continues to focus on the chamber of secrets. "Slytherin, according to the legend, sealed the chamber of secrets so that none would be able to open it until his true heir arrived at the school. The heir alone would be able to unseal the chamber of secrets, unleash the horror within, and use it to purge the school of all who were unworthy to study magic." Laura notices that Draco and Pansy are looking at Hermione. Then Professor Binns explains everything he just said is nonsense, but no one believes it until Hermione asks another question. "Sir, what exactly do you mean by the horror within the chamber?" "This is believed to be some sort of monster, which the heir of Slytherin alone can control." Says Professor Binns, and Laura wonders what monster exactly is. Then after being asked about any question of the chamber of secrets, Professor Binns finally made the class sink back into its usual torpor.

"Who do you think it is, the heir of Slytherin?" Hermione asks when Laura and she met in the library after Binns's class. "Well, if you must ask, it's not me." Laura thinks it's funny, there is no way that Hermione suspects her. "I know, but...anything, had you hear from your house." "No," Laura says, she also has no clue about that, everyone is talking about, who is the heir of Slytherin these days. "You think is Draco, aren't you?" Laura knows what Hermione wants to hear, she doesn't blame her. He had said to her about she'll be next, and he also called her the mudblood. If it was Laura, she will suspect Malfoy too, but she knows Draco, he is the one who will show off if he is the one, but he seems like have no clue about that, too. "Yes, actually we are thinking about..." "What?" Laura asks, after the first year that Laura helping about searching the Famel, Hermione will tell her about some "ideas" about her and her friends. "Polyjuice Potion." She lowers her voice. "You didn't!" Laura has no interest in the potion, but she is sure about the receipt of the polyjuice potion is in the restricted section. "You'll break about fifty school rules." "I know, but I have to find out!" "You won't find anything, I bet that." Laura warms her, she thinks Hermione is wasting time. "And don't take my hair."


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