Fifth Year: The Order of the Phoenix - The Reunion

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"Laura, breakfast is ready!" Shouts Mrs

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"Laura, breakfast is ready!" Shouts Mrs. Weasley, "where is she, Ginny?" "Maybe she is still asleep?" "it's so late, ...honey could you go..." "We'll get her." Fred and George say at the same time before they disapparate from the kitchen. "Don't do that in the house!" Mrs. Weasley shouts. Laura is already awake, she just can't use to be surrounded by the Weasley, she likes them actually, she feels warm that she had never experienced, but it's just weird, because one day Laura knows they will all think she is no good, and some of them might die, like Cedric. It's already a month since Cedric died, thing changed a lot, Laura can't sleep at night because she will dream about him, she is moved to the number twelve, Grimmauid Place, the headquarter of the order of the phoenix, Sirius's mother's house, after Laura's grandmother went missing, Dumbledore said it is not safe because Voldemort is coming for her, the Swift Maison is no longer safe, so is the borrow, that's why the Weasley is also moving in, Hermione is here too. Sirius said offering this house to Dumbledore is the only thing he could be useful, Sirius is upset because Dumbledore forbids him to go outside, he is asked to be in the house since many people still see him as a murderer. Fudge and the ministry of magic claim that Voldemort didn't come back, Harry Potter and Dumbledore tell the story, not truth, he is scared, scared of losing power, Laura hears Tonks saying a few days ago. She is in the order now, apparently, not everyone approves that, they think Laura is too young and they don't even know why is she in the order because Laura can't do anything, not in front of them. Laura is not allowed to follow death eaters outside or guard in front of the Department of Mysteries, she is just like Sirius, on the outside. "Laura," "still sleeping?" asks Fred and George outside her room. "No, I'm up." Laura uses her wand to open the door, although she is underage, two years ago Lucius Malfoy had proved his worth to Laura, as he thinks Laura is the goddaughter of Voldemort, yes she is, and people in the orders know that not including their children of course. They thought that's is a part of the reason that Dumbledore keeps her in the order, to avoid her being on the 'wrong side, and there's another part of the reason is guilty, they are all sorry for her mother, that still couldn't be announced as a part of the order because Dumbledore had them all swear. "Your mom was a brave woman," everyone tell her when they saw her.

       "What are you doing? Mom said breakfast is ready," says Fred, he notices Laura's eyes, "didn't you sleep?" "You look awful, Laura," says George, "really terrible

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"What are you doing? Mom said breakfast is ready," says Fred, he notices Laura's eyes, "didn't you sleep?" "You look awful, Laura," says George, "really terrible." "Thanks for telling that," Laura rolls her eyes, then it reminds her what Cedric told her before, about her rolling her eyes. "I'll be down for a minute." Says Laura, she turns back from them so that they couldn't see her tears drop. But George already saw that. "oh, don't Laura..." George puts his hand on Laura's shoulder and Fred does the same. "I'm fine, something inside my eyes, come, let's get down." Laura says, "Laura," Fred calls, "you know George and I see you like our little sister, do you?" "Although we are not blood relatives," "you're sometimes annoying," "boring," "and it's a Slytherin." Laura smiles at them, "thank you, but I'm okay." Laura is grateful for that, but she knows, just after a few years, maybe less than a year, they would take their word back, because Laura would do something terrible, or she has already done it. Fred and George don't know how much important Cedric is to her, they thought Laura is only moaning for her crush died, because they don't know they had a thing before, nobody know in the house, maybe only Sirius, and Lupin.

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