Chapter 3 - The Surprise

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Arthit looked at his parents, who were laughing along with him, as he held the letter in one hand and, in the other, a picture of Kongpob smiling and holding the bottle with the message. Who could have imagined that, after so long, he would receive an answer to that child's game.

With tears in her eyes, flooded with memories of 15 years ago, the memories of the ride exploded in her mind. From the moment he boarded the ship to the moment he threw the bottle overboard. He perfectly remembered his father telling him to make a wish to Poseidon, who, according to the Greeks, was the king of the oceans, to keep his bottle and only give it to someone who was special, with a good heart and worthy worth getting an answer. He climbed onto the ship hugging the bottle as if he were carrying a great treasure. His eyes shining with hope when he threw the bottle overboard. After that, some nights he hardly slept. He wondered where and in whose hands his bottle would end up. Time passed and no answer arrived. Until, one day, he simply stopped thinking about it. Everything is on the past.

- Wow, Dad! When you called me and said you had a letter for me, I could never have imagined that it would be the answer to that message I threw overboard in a bottle. Said Arthit, still surprised by the contents of the letter.

- And when are you going to answer him? Remember how anxious and disappointed you were as time passed and you did not get any answers. So son, do not even think about letting it go. If you do not want to write or keep in touch, at least give him a call and let him know that you have received the letter and that you are not interested in continuing to write. Said his father.

- Although, from the content of the letter, he seems to me to be a good person and to have a good education. Could become a good friend. Commented his mother.

- Yes, I agree that he seems to be a good person and of course I will answer him. It is just that I am still processing everything that is going on and what I am going to answer. Arthit explained to his parents as he looked once more at the letter and the photo in his hands.

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