chapter 11

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"....its better you just stay quite right now sanzu ..."
Draken's tired voice echoed in that big room, stealing of the man's attention who seemed to be happily walking towards his king for something he prepared as what he would say as a gift. Yeah right, gift... Containing a number of hot beauties with chick black hair and quite mesmerizing blue eyes, but it's all fake, I mean, everyone can get those so called 'beautiful' blue eyes if anyone would desire by just buying some good quality coloured lenses and sticking it in the eye. Takemichi would wonder if they even feel itchiness or super extra warmth from their eyes being covered by those disgusting lenses. Man, he was totally roasting every human in the world around here, baby boy just needed to understand that he was born with em. The colour of the deepest oceanic blue, that gaze at you with care and sometimes the words it speaks without speech, the expression it translates without demanding what he needs. Was all something anyone would find naturally to fall for in. But, it's takemichi you know...that man, he was still special. Ahh guess i wandered off.

Draken's initiative for stopping sanzu seemed to have a negative impact on this crazy pink head diamond smile who couldn't freaking read the atmostphere. That's right, guess he was once again crazily high on mirjuana. A vien popped on sanzus forehead which was slightly visible from that amount of hair. He was mad on the guy he belived in would never stop him in doing things his way. But man, seems like he was completely wrong at this. Sanzu hates draken for a reason, that tall man has a nickname from the king which sounds damn cute. But why was he the only one being called sanzu...shouldnt Mikey give him a new cute loving name or something.
"Oi draken, if you gonna get in my way out of nowhere, you better run off before i feed my katana to that little mouth of yours"
Sanzu blurted out uglyly, nearly trying his best not to swing his sharp katana on someone his kings treasures alot internally.

"See Mikey...look at them...who should I call to-"
Sanzu was cut again between what he planned. And see the nerve of the dirty slutty man beside his king giving him glares. Well, it shouldn't be a problem swinging out his katana now right?
" How dare you...."
Takemichi kept his head low, but stared at sanzu as if he was planning to strip this pink jellys skin and prepare a designered luxurious fabric if it or something. Wouldn't people want to step on this beautiful textured skin, well as  for takemichi...he wouldnt mind walking off with his new heels given by Mikey and stepping on that pretty face, that he would say he could have a kink on but his moods completely off now. How dare this marine animal get out of the deap ocean, shouldnt he be roaming in it with his family? And look at the nerves he got to say such thing to his king  infront of his queen.

"Huh? What do you mean you slut, stay in your limits. Enjoy this good sex from this man and then die off somewhere!"
Sanzu would really want to crack the bones under that neck of this raven haired man infront of him. How could he order him, more like threathen him for something he doesn't have a right to. Is it really that gold diggers are like this, always trying out their unexisting authority over someone who actually has authority.

"Is this what you are doing behind my back Mikey??? Hummm??? I guess i remember you telling that you only wanted me all this years"
Takemichi turned to Mikey asking a question now regarding to what sanzu had got him to with. How could his lover do that to him, lie to him like that. Slight water was forming in the raven haired boys eyes, he was hurt, really hurt. His heart was aching pretty bad ah.

"Oi! How did you call him Mikey! Huh?? Who the hell are you...Mikey say something"
Takemichi was almost trembling, but when sanzu turned him whole degree demanding to face him from Mikey. Takemichi didn't look at those angry blue eyes again, he needed to process what just happened. He can't let his king go doing those things with strangers. More like, he remebers his lover telling his that he has never done those things with anyone and has only waited to having takemitchy. Sanzu turned to see towards mikey, confident about getting a pleasurable answer from the blank man. But the silence was testing his patience, cause he wasn't getting any answer from Mikey. He then looked towards draken, who had his dark eyes telling him something, but he aint actually understanding it at all. But from all this awkwardness, he could conclude only one thing. Something was definately going, wait did he mess up? Mikey never brought someone along with him to the main house. He had been staying like immortal without night funs.

A slight jingle attracted haruchiyos attention. He awaited his gaze towards the raven haired man infront of him. Now he sees it, the boy is actually not bad looking. That cheeks that looked so smooth and fluffy to smush it, the unsound looking big eyes with a unique glint of being gorgeous and the blue colour makes it more beautiful to look at. A slight blush formed on sanzus pale cheeks while he examined the boys small plump lips that look difficult to even take something bigger than its size...more like....he let it cough off, he shouldn't be thinkin about this arrogant brat at the first place too. But again remembering about the certain sound, an earing. A rectangular red and black earing hung on the man's right ear. That logo, the one of their organization. Sanzu widened his eyes completely understanding the story behind that damn accessory. A earing his king had just designed for that special man he would always plan on having for himself. Could it be that...He moved back instantly.

"No...this .... takemitchy???"

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