chapter 45

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" finally"

Takemichi slowly got up, seated in the mattress, his thumb caressing the back of his lovers hand. The man faintly starred at his king with his still blurry vision. Trying to figure out the expression mikey as just having. Was it pain? Or was it confussion maybe? it the expression of guilt? Which one was it? The man found it difficult to figure out. All he could make out was that Mikey was in a heartbreaking mood, cause takemichi felt it. The touch of his lovers skin like is communicating everything to him, but all he cant do is figure out what exactly was it from the options he placed infront of him.

Takemichi gluped on seeing how Mikey avoided to look at him, into his eyes. The latter's hands trembling against takemichi strong hold. What was it? What is it thats keeping Mikey from starring into the mans soul like he used to do before. Takemichi hummed before pulling the man's trembling hand to his cheek and rubbing against it with the little strength he has. After a few minutes, takemichi starred back at Mikey who still looked anywhere but straight to him.

" Mikey"
Takemichi was about to cry the moment he said those words. He isn't crying cause he is loosing some of his cells of dignity just by making this request. But because he has been holding more than this freaking minutes from pouncing on the man infront of him and riding the latter's d*ck. It was hurting and his pants had been completely soaked, his ass was feeling sticking and it was now even uncomfortable squirming. And second the pain, the burning sensation, it's making his heart ache the more he is holding. He is feeling it just, just a few more minutes and he is unable to predict his future. Seeing that he did not get any reply back from his king, takemichi eyes gave out and the man totally starting crying bitterly. It was hurting! It was hurting him! Why can't Mikey see this. Takemichi heart sank completely to his stomach when Mikey slapped off the hand from his touch.

Widening his eyes, thousand of questions regarding where he actually went wrong or was this relationship meant to freaking end just like it? It just broke into his head like a flood. Does the man who used to love him like he was the rarest diamond found in the universe, is he now worthless? Has his king lost interest in his queen? Did Sano Manjirou already let go of him? Takemichi tried to cuddle onto his man's hand again, hugging it tight until he got Mikey's attention which he failed. The man was already starting to loose conciousness but he kept himself still till the end. Mikey forcefully let go of takemichi again and walked to glass door of the room which had a balcony on its other end. This scene, takemichi looked at it going back in his memories. The first time he met Draken, the same vibe was what Mikey was showing off. The glorious light shade of the moon shining the brightest behind the glass door and there was this man standig who looks like he was telling a thousand tales of fantasies. It was beautiful... Gorgeous, it was like takemichi was lured into this lovely charm again like before as he himself could feel hearts tracing themselves in his lovely blue eyes.

But this wasnt it, Mikey did represent Draken's look a little with the same attitude but the man broke down from the character when tears actually started spilling out of Mikey's obsedian gems. Mikey's eyes stood normaly just starring around, but the drips of the tears falling to the cold tiles only made takemichi count them in numbers. It was a total heartbreak for takemichi while he was starring at the man with pain in his eyes, worries plastered on his lustrous face and his alluring body trembling with fear while his skin was glowing with love. A faint smile made a curve over the kings rough dry lips while the tears continued their job of soaking the man's face to extreme wetness. Takemichi eyes were still pleading for help cause it was his mind reacting while his body was telling a different story, acting like it was in a kind of slutty roleplay calling out the eyes that do not even pay a heed to it.

And yes, Mikey still did not look at takemichi . Starring to nothing in particular was the only phrase that actually could stand accountable of describing the look that mikey was just having right now. So many things had happened and they had ruined takemichi, but internally did Mikey break a hundred times more than his queen whithout even being aware. Did love hurt this much? Or could the emotion of love betray you this much that you had everything you want but would force you to comitt something that could make you give up on your lover? And that is what's happening to Mikey. Was draken the key to his love all this time which he indiotically ignored like a moron? What would have happened if draken was still there? What twists and turns would his love life take to conclude him in the end falling in love harder and seeing to true beauty of the specified emotion with his queen? Did he commit the biggest mistake in his life.

" not deserve you takemitchy..."
Mikey swallowed the biggest lump that had been giving him a hard time to break from. He finally said what is discouraging him, but this happens to stun takemichi more cause the man jumped off the bed running to mikey and placing his hands on the mans cheeks.
"Look at still...wa...wanna jhs...say it!?"
Takemichi made Mikey to forcefully look into his serene orbs. Takemichi found it rediculous of what his king just said, was he dumb? Where is the king who authorizes power like oxygen just go? This is not Mikey he fell in love with, he remebers he fell in love with a perfect man back and a man who is strong. Seeing his lover break down to a mess is what's making takemichi mad. But the question was 'just why was Mikey saying it?' Mikey laughed miserably while he starred back with saddness that could only show his orbs in the form. Takemichi who was already starting to fall off in the weakness got a sudden strength when he heard Mikey laught hysterically. Did he actually say something wrong that got his king laughing like that? Or was this just a prank to scare him? Oh how much did takemichi pray to the cloudy heavens internally to let this be a prank. So he joined with a weak mimic of his kings little sounds too but in a way that it didn't last too long...
"Even when I say that I...i...killed kenchin...?"
And Mikey starred deeper into the soul of the man infront of him, not by force from the opposite, but willingly. He wanted takemichi to know this and to give up on him, just he never deserved this. The addiction of drugs is killing him slowly, the smoke of cigar is now difficult to swallow in and his head is having ups and downs of pressures at every minute, so what was the pint of leaving when he was slowly already dying inside? Takemichi grasped at what Mikey said... immediately fear slapped his face, the man halted his steps back, illusioning blood on the hand of the man he just touched, trying to get rid of the murderous liquid by wiping his hand against his own clothes as if it was a disseased pest or something. But in reality it was just an illusion that takemichi went through after knowing a crime his own lover comitted specifically not just against anyone random, but the latters own best friend. A man that takemichi too knows that Mikey treaured in his heart.

After he was down wiping, well, more like realised he was just imagining things. The man looked at his king, realizing he shouldn't be doing this in such state. The drug his taking a very much higher effect, that he ain't  even sure if he gonna last for longer than at least fives minutes. He had to convince Mikey to f*ck him no matter what...just brushing off what he just heard for the sake of his life which he was scared of losing, takemichi looked up at the man again. Still looking as gorgeous even in this miserable state, was Mikey always this handsome to look yet? Takemichi should know it better, but now he feels like he just found out about the man's handsomeness, like as if he was the most meaningful masterpiece handpicked by god from the heavens art gallery, a piece so beautiful? Takemichi would be thinking a thousand times before returning it back which he can't, nor can he exchange himself since he has vowed to love this peice of art by all his heart. Takemichi smiled faintly making Mikey frown....blush formed on the queens face back bringing the alluerance of lust back, Mikey could feel the atmostphere slowly heating up yet he had to be so stubborn out of the blue that he hates himself.
"I don't me...please..."
Takemichi said painfully all ready to give up whatever he had to before finally giving in the heat and falling to wherever he did. But no, did Mikey give up as he caught on the man and pulled the boy in a warm kiss. Tears rolling more down his pale cheeks. The kiss was the most loving that hed share with his takemitchy all the while, oh how much did he miss this. But it didn't last for long as the man had to break it when he heard his name being called out and find out only to see a man infront of him pointing a gun in his direction...

"Sano Manjirou! You are under arrest!"

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