chapter 44

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Kokonoi didn't waste much time to talk about things and giving extreme explanations to kakucho who worriedly kept on asking hundreds of questions within minutes regarding Mikey and how to take care of takemichi. Keeping takemichi asleep was a better idea since Mikey was nowhere to be found and since he already told takemichi about the latter, it would be a matter of comman sense that takemichi won't stay back from barging out of the house and roaming around on random streets or dark alleys and calling out to Mikey. Yea, this is kind of extra dramatic to put it in but seeing how takemichi nearly freaked out before the latter embraced unconciousness, was the proof to it all.

They both rushed out after contacting other executives to be around and specially calling out to sanzu to go back to the mansion and take care of takemichi. The man is in unconcious state, well but that doesn't really mean that their queen is gonna get better. It is dangerous to leave takemichi back in such a state too, but  they need to take the risk and find about Mikey first. Takemichi had suffered enough, they know that even if they gonna be forceful in their ways they need to be, even if it means that they need to rape the man. Cause right now, nothing matters apart from Mikeys existence in the life of bonten and takemichi life for Mikey to live. Among all the other executives, sanzu and draken as well as the haitani brothers were the ones who had sex with takemichi. Yes they know about it,  for now haitani brothers were not that particular top option since this is a very critical situation, those sadists won't be able to control themselves. Yup, take it the way that koko is  underestimating ran and Rindou, but since he himself knows them better is what it is making it hard for him to handover takemichi to that duo, since he doesn't trust them. Draken isn't even an option here, since that man is no more. They knew it, all the members of bonten knew something like this would happen. Cause it's not just anyone man from bonten who is dead, but it's draken, Ryuguji Ken not just dead, but dead in the hands of his own best friend. Mikey treasured the guy, say that the bontens king was just carried off from his anger at that time that made him take such a step without thinking. And with that koko can only say that Mikey is suffering badly, very badly, that is why they need him infront of their eyes, to be safe and sound. Mikey is unpredictable, yes, he really is.

Sanzu was the only option who can keep himself sane when it comes to such cases and specially with takemichi. Yeah yeah, its exactly questionable for 'why sanzu'...cause that guy is the craziest drug freak among the bonten. But koko believes it, koko knows that sanzu knows to use takemichi body well and the way he wants as if he has had a PhD of it, though he might get a little out of control at times. Kokonoi Hajime! This man saw the love in the eyes sparkling for their queen in the dull blues of Sanzu Haruchiyo. He knows that sanzu would be a best option here, cause that guy, when sanzu falls in love, he is the most beautiful lover that can ever exist. A man that loves with emotions and wonderful actions. And now we are talking about Takemichi, sanzu could be this close to killing himself if his death could mean the way of saving takemichi by gentleness. With a faint smile on his face, koko started of the car and drove with an extreme speed, completely out of the mansion with kakucho seated beside him.
Small sweet yet weak addicting groans started filling up the atmosphere. Takemichi squirmed in his sleep while he was sweating more than required. His state looked dangerous, his skin was burning more than before. His plump lips had already started to drool and call out to a certain someone with pain and craving. It felt difficult to breathe, the mans body was slowly starting to go numb. Just then a slight foreign touch started caressing takemichi body. To the curves and the crooks of the boys neck. The touch was cold and loving. It was the touch takemichi craved, he  wanted more. So he pushed himself against the palm of the soft caress. Though he was still sleeping but did his body really know what to do when when its owner was not in the state. Takemichi caught onto the hand, maoning for wanting more of it. Just not only touch and feels but more than that, he wants ecstasy that he craves from that certain someone. A slight frown grew itself between the man's eyebrows while the hand slowly lost contact with the comfort. A few more painful and frustrated whimps and takemichi slowly opened his eyelids exposing the beautiful blues of lust mixed with pain and fear. A slight blurry figure could be scene in takemichi vision in the bedroom darkness. The familiar white strainds made that figure stand out in the colours of gray and black. But those obsedien eyes finally made takemichi smile faintly as he falls deeper into the scent of the mans hand he had caught back hold of. Cigerettes and the rusty smell of blood...the scent so familiar and loving, takemichi heart craves for this....

" finally"

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