chapter 21

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His aura was dangerous yet why did takemichi feel it so soft. The tall handsome figure that's stood out among the other humans around with his cool looking scar and eyes that have a familiar look... He has seen long back, but the memories don't seem to flash by. Shutting out the thoughts, the raven haired man looked towards the tall seme who appeared to be talking, more like explaining stuff to a man with seriousness in white that looks to be the chef of this mansion from as specified long cap sitting on the latters head comfortably.

After what seemed the man was done talking, both of them parted their ways. The tall man who takemichi would say could be an excutive from looking at the way the guy has been ordering around wrokers. The chef walked towards the room that seems to be the kitchen of this mansion, which takemichi really is excited to see as he wants to try out his baking skills, maybe also bake some sweet stuff for his Mikey whenever he has time. 

While the tall scar faced man walks to the other side, takemichi unintentionally calls out to the figure to stop. The man seemed to have listened when he turned towards takemichi and flinched at first followed by soon composing himself up with formality before bowing down as a greeting. Takemichi frowned when the man looked with a look of that was difficult to read, towards him. Not able to stay back at one place, takemichi pouted before walking and  stomping towards the man, standing infront of the executive, folding his arms and looking down dominantly.
"Who are you hm~?"
Takemichi went again with his signature way of talking to gain attention from this rich criminal. The man stood straight definately trying his best not to have an eye contact with the beautiful known acquitance. The man that he termed as one of his reason to live, to be successfully strong, to be what he is today. The fond smile grew on the taller's face again making takemichi to frown the second at the strange behaviour of this mr. handsome infront of him.

Yeah, takemichi should definitely agree that this damn executive looked damn handsome, the tall and muscled build too wasnt an exception. The scar was scary but cool. And yeah please don't have a misunderstanding that takemichi was crushing on the figure infront of him that was about to get swayed. Thats definately isn't it. Takemichi shook his head, again imagining to throw all his drooling thoughts in the trash bin before he continued.
"You didn't answer me..."
Takemichi actually never hated silence, more like he would happily embrace it with love. But this is the first time he felt frustrated for not getting any answer. And be it a rediculous reply, takemichi will throw a  vase on this gorgeous man expanding his damn scars, expanding its witdh and length. Seeing the demand shining throught from his queens eyes  kakucho couldn't help but sigh and then chuckled at the thought of how cute takemichi was looking right now. Like an hamster, the raven haired mans cheeks were damn soft looking all chubby that can be easily balled into a  ball.
"Im the number 3 of bonten..."
What, why is he spurtting out numbers now. Takemichi was confused that he showed a complete worth hundred expression in just thinking of what this man infront of him just said. Takemichi pouted his cheeks for the third time again when he heard that useless executive chuckle. God this was so annoying. Yeah yeah, this queen knows that he has no much knowledge of gang matters, but at least he wishes to learn about it. And how dare this man laugh and most importantly enjoy the embarrassment takemichi is feeling right now when it should be the other way round.
" dare you laugh...i...i know you are an excutive!...i asked your name...your name damnit!"
Takemichi was already sweating enough to have spoken much words with much difficulty. On the other hand his face was as red that can be easily compared to a fully ripe tomato.   After a little awkward moment with no words to be shared, kakucho again smiled fondly with pure softness. Takemichi was already having scenarios thinking whether this guy too was like that madman sanzu, having an unpredictable nature. Takemichi's haruchan was a dancing jellyfish, but this guy look like a creepy satan. Whether intentionally or not, takemichi would never want to accept it but he is already head over heels for this mans gazes.

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