A New Home

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As time passed Cooler soon was released from his hospital room. Walking down the hospitals corridor attention was brought in his direction immediately. Every patient present stiffened at his presence while the staff where standing there terrified but also relieved at the same time.

Once Cooler made it to the lobby the sight of a green haired boy talking to the hospitals receptionist gathered his full attention. Cooler immediately knew who this boy was and mentally face palmed.

Cooler: 'How could I have forgotten? This lowlife was gonna take me to his home...'

Could you blame him though? Midoriya did visit Cooler daily much to Cooler's disapproval but overtime Cooler just stoped caring and kinda enjoyed the green haired boys presence. Well... enough to tolerate it.

Receptionist: well... that one patient you would like to see has just been released from the hospital... we don't know if...-

Midoriya: wa-wait... you mean he-he's already gone...?

The receptionist only nodded slowly and Midoriya looked down saddened by this fact. but the receptionist tried to give the young boy hope.

Receptionist: hey I'm sure he's not far from here. To my knowledge we only let him go a few seconds ago

Midoriya looked up at the receptionist who smiled at him. He put faced down at the desk then back at the receptionist smiling.

Midoriya: 'if I am fast enough maybe I can find him!' Alright thank yo-... Cooler!!!

Just as Midoriya was about to run out he turns to see Cooler standing there watching the whole ordeal go down. The receptionist immediately stiffened when looking at Cooler. While Midoriya sprinted up to Cooler hugging him and leaving Cooler in a state of bewilderment.

Midoriya: Cooler it's great to see that you are still here! Are you ready to go to my house now?

Midoriya looked up at Cooler with a big smile. While Cooler looks down at Midoriya with a bead of sweat coming out of his forehead. Quickly Cooler grabs Midoriya's shoulder and breaks the hug.

Cooler: Yes... I am ready...

Midoriya: Alright then let's go!

Midoriya looks back at the speechless receptionist and waves.

Midoriya: thank you again! Have a nice day!

With that they both exist the hospital and head to Midoriya's home.

(Time skip)

Once the two had reached Midoriya's home Midoriya knocked on the door and a muffled response saying "coming!" Was heard a few seconds later.

Opening the door stood a women with green hair, wearing a white shirt, and pink sweater over it, while also sporting a yellowish apron, and finally a blue skirt. This of course being Midoriya's mom Inko Midoriya. And what she saw in front of her left her shocked.

Now Inko Midoriya has been expecting nothing to happen today, only expecting a normal day in the world of hero's vs villains, her son returning home with burn marks and bruises from something that caused her Great stress. But never would she expected her son Izuku bringing a complete stranger to their home.

Cooler: So, lowlife. I take it that this female is your parent?

Izuku faced Cooler and smiled while nodding.

Izuko: Yes, Cooler. *turns to look at Inko* Mama, this is Cooler! He is the stranger I helped back at the hospital!

Inko is no doubt unsure how to make of this. While she is proud that her son is being a good boy and helping others out, she feels as though bringing a stranger to their house is... too much for her to handle.

Cooler's Redemption (Cooler x BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now