A Kind Gift (ReUploaded)

580 16 14

~Midoriya's POV~

Today is a new day and I am feeling very happy! I was able to talk to Cooler and get to know him a bit he even seemed to have enjoyed me being there since he smiled at my smile!

Midoriya: 'I think I might go visit him again!'

I smiled at this thought though it were cut short when I heard a near by explosion. Quickly I face the direction from where the sound came from and saw smoke behind a building. Not wanting to miss out on seeing the hero's in action I rushed over to the location.

Once I made it to the battle I was in shock at who I

Up in the sky it was All Might! My favorite hero of all time! He was battling against a really buff villain who seemed to have the upper hand on All Might I was getting a bit worried.

All Might soon came crashing down on the ground leaving a crater where he lays. I was horrified. All Might was heavily injured! He seems like he can't go for much longer. I need to help him!

Rushing in as fast as I could I get to where the injured All Might lays. People from behind me tried to call me back but there is no way I am just gonna sit there. I got in front of All Might with my arms out in protecting manner.

Then All Might weakly spoke.

All Might: y-young citizen... w-what are you doing...?

Midoriya: protecting you...

The villain crashed down and looked at me I started to tremble a bit. He laughed when he took notice of this.

???: what's this? a young boy wanting to play hero?!

The villain then burst out in laughter. I kept my gaze on this villain but soon felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back and saw All Might weakly standing beside me.

All Might: listen young one... I appreciate your assistance but this is to much for you to handle... get back to where it's safe

Midoriya: I-I can't just leave you here! I wanna help please let me help!

All Might looked at me and was about to refuse but saw the determination in my eyes and smiled.

All Might: alright then... before we take this villain down tell me what's your name young hero?

Hearing All Might say those words filled me with unimaginable joy. Internally I was jumping up and down excitedly.

Midoriya: Mi-Midoriya

All Might faced the villain who faced us in return ceasing his laughter.

All Might: Midoriya huh? Well then young hero prepare yourself he is a tough one

I nodded and faced the villain getting into a fighting position as well. We stood there for a while waiting for someone to make the first move. Then All Might launched in I was taken aback though quickly shook myself out of it and rushed in myself.

As we were about to clash with the villain...
My alarm rang. I immediately sat up at the sound of my screaming alarm and shut it off. I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see my room and I was saddened.
Midoriya: it was all just a dream...

I looked down at the ground but shook this feeling off.

Midoriya: no I shouldn't get sad over this...
I looked at the poster of All Might on my wall and smiled.

Midoriya: 'one day I will become the number one hero! Just like All Might!'

Inko: Midoriya sweetie hurry up and get ready or else your gonna be late for school!

Cooler's Redemption (Cooler x BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now