Meeting The Green Haired Hero Part 1

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In Cooler's Mind
Cooler: 'how...? How could a lowly ape like him best me?'

I thought as I stared into the darkness of my own mind.

Cooler: '*tch* I was a fool to toy around with him... I should've exterminated him when I had the chance...'

I closed my eyes allowing nothing but silence to fill the atmosphere until a sound all to familiar was behinds me.

I reopened my eyes and looked behind me to see the person I wanted to eradicate from this very existence. The Super Saiyan.

Just seeing the saiyan's face angered me greatly and anger got the best of me... I threw a right hook at him but he caught it and held my right arm.

Goku: you can't win cooler... you're just too weak...

Hearing that sentence only pushed my anger further but as I threw my left hook he caught that as well holding me in place.

Cooler: once I awaken from this void I will eradicate you in an instant saiyan...

I tried to escape his grip but it was his strength was far beyond mine in his super saiyan form.

Goku: You and me both know that will not happen Cooler with the power you have now you won't be a challenge for me...

The saiyan looked at me dead in the eyes.

Goku: and if you were to comeback... I'll be sure to finish the job

I looked at this saiyan in the eyes with an angered expression.

Cooler: Don't get cocky monkey the only reason I lost was because I was toying with you if I hadn't have taken my time you would've never accessed super saiyan and died beneath my feet.

The saiyan didn't say a word only continuing to stare me in the eyes.

Cooler: saying nothing only proves my point saiyan...

We stayed silent for minutes not daring to move any parts of our body's. Though after one more minute passed the saiyan let go of my arms leaving me confused.

Cooler: had enough of the staring competition monkey?

Goku: yes looking at you reminds me so much of you're brother and I can't be bothered to look at you for another second...

The saiyan faced his back towards me getting ready to take off but as he was about to he paused for a moment before blasting off into the darkness.

The saiyan faced his back towards me getting ready to take off but as he was about to he paused for a moment before blasting off into the darkness

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Cooler: I'm nothing like that little brat... though you will remember me saiyan for it will be that last thing you see before you die...

Midoriya's POV
As I sit in the waiting room of the hospital I couldn't help but think that I might've saved a villain. I mean they sure did look like one but maybe that's just their quirk and they are really a nice person. Can't get my hopes to high though...

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when one of the doctors told me I could enter the room. I wasn't gonna lie I was very nervous. I got up and made my way over to the room where the person was at.

Midoriya: 'ok Midoriya breathe just breathe there's no way you saved a villain... right? No it's probably just a nice guy... I hope...'

Once I entered the room the person shifted there attention to me and my whole body stiffened.

Midoriya: h-hello s-sir how ar-

Before I could finished talking the person cut me off.

???: who are you?

His voice sent shivers down my spine. I was beginning to panic a little.

Midoriya: I-I a-am I-Izuku Mi-


I flinched at the sound of his voice and began to tremble in fear.

???: well? Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna tell me your name scum?

Midoriya: I-I am midoriya s-sir

???: Midoriya huh?

I nodded.

???: hmm... what business do you have with me anyway Midoriya?

Midoriya: I-I was j-just coming in to check on you since you were hurt badly...

The guy raised an eyebrow.

???: you coming to check on me?

Midoriya: y-yes

???: and get me to better Heath I presume?

Midoriya: mhm

He laid his head back on the pillow.

???: how humiliating...

I looked at him with a confused expression.

Midoriya: how is it humiliating?

???: because fool... I was once a great ruler of the galaxy I was feared by every living thing and no one would dare challenge me!

He closed his fist.

And yet here I am in need of medical care but instead of me helping myself I'm being helped by the likes of you...

He spat with venom while turning his attention to me.

Midoriya: you were great ruler of the galaxy?

???: did you not understand a single word I said?!

I waved my hands rapidly.

Midoriya: n-no no I-I heard you promise! I-it's just surprising is all!

The man eyed me angrily before shifting his gaze outside the window.

Midoriya: uhh... m-mister can I have your name?

???: you are not owed the privilege scum... now leave! I don't want to see you from my line of sight ever again!

Midoriya: huh? But wha-

The man shot his attention towards me.

???: I said leave! If I ever see you again I will kill you without a second thought!

This scared the life outta me I didn't want to die I still have so much to do! Like meet All Might in person! Get his autograph! Go to UA! Become a hero!

I started to rush to the door not wanting to say here any longer but then the thought of what this guys quirk could be popped in my head. I debated weather to ask him or not but I decided to risk it.

Midoriya: u-uh hey mister...

???: *tch*

The purple man tried to get up only to fall back down again. I sighed mentally.

???: What is it?!

Midoriya: can you tell me what your quirk is?

The man paused for a second.

???: what's a quirk?


Part 2 rework completed!
I apologize for not updating the story it's just that I really haven't been motivated recently and I've been quit busy hopefully this chapter kinda makes up for it.
Other than that I hope you enjoyed!

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