Interesting Turn of Events

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~3rd POV~

Cooler strolls down the busy sidewalk, his imposing figure commanding the attention of those around him. People instinctively step aside, creating a path for the Frost Demon to pass through since he looks like a villain, and the aura he is releasing isn't making it any better. A smug smirk graces his lips as he revels in the acknowledgment of his superiority.

Cooler: "These lowlives know their place. Hmph..."

As he makes his way forward, the sound of a fierce battle catches his attention. His curiosity piques as he follows the commotion and discovers a growing crowd of insignificant individuals gathering around a clash of heroes and villains. Intrigued, Cooler flew up to the top of a nearby building, granting him a better vantage point to observe the unfolding spectacle.

From his perch, Cooler witnessed the Wood Hero engaging in a heated struggle with a towering Giant Villain on the train tracks. The crowd watched with bated breath as the hero unleashed an attack called the "Lacquered Chain Prison," successfully immobilizing the colossal foe.

Cooler observed the display with a weary sigh. Such encounters had become a daily occurrence, and it irked him to no end that he couldn't just use his powers to swiftly deal with these fools without attracting unwanted attention from HSPC or even the World. With his current state, still being weakened, such things would only prove to be more of a hassle to deal with. He continued to watch the clash between the hero and the villain when, out of nowhere, another hero appeared.


A giant heroine, unknown to Cooler, entered the fray, delivering a powerful strike that sent the villain hurtling off the train tracks, effectively incapacitating him.

Cooler neither knew nor cared about the identity of this new arrival. To him, she was just another spandex-clad fool. He sighed in irritation, resisting the urge to unleash his wrath upon these heroes for their foolish and illogical actions.

The Frost Demon grumbled under his breath as he grew increasingly frustrated, witnessing the masses eagerly lapping up the heroics like an audience at a talent show. Cooler had better things to do than waste his time here. Descending back to the sidewalk, he resumed his leisurely walk, as if the battle between heroes and villains had never occurred. Meanwhile, the oblivious crowd cheered on the heroes, their enthusiasm unabated. The Giant Heroine basked in her triumph, introducing herself amidst the adoration.

Mt. Lady: "No need to worry about this, BUM," (Cooler facepalmed at that) "...I'm Mt. Lady, the world's next hottest hero!"

Cooler rolled his eyes at the attempted pun but refrained from commenting, instead offering a scowl of disapproval. Even then, the mindless onlookers remained captivated, choosing to watch rather than flee. Foolish, all of them. Stupid humans. Cooler had no intention of lingering any longer and simply continued his walk, leaving the scene of heroism and adoration behind.

As Cooler walks away, he is left to his thoughts, reflecting on everything that has transpired and led him to this predicament. Months have passed since he started living in the confines of the Midoriya Household. Though he's on the path to recovery, much of his powers are yet to return, and he's far from the level he once held back when he fought against the Super Saiyan.

For the next hour, he continues walking until he hears something from afar.

???: "Texas Smash!"

Cooler halts in his tracks and turns towards the sound. He recognizes it—All Might.

Cooler: "All Might..."

The Frost Demon identifies him due to Izuku's relentless admiration and idolization. After all, the boy's room is filled with All Might's merchandise, almost mistaking him for a stalker rather than a fanboy. Nonetheless, just hearing All Might's attack move catches Cooler's interest.

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