Errands Of A Titan (part 1)

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Cooler's POV
After a few minutes of sightseeing and flying, I eventually arrive at the supermarket where the boy's mother shops. I land before the wretched market in utter anger, balling up my fist as seeing the supermarket only reminds me of the situation I was put in.

Cooler: 'How utterly humiliating... Me, Lord Cooler! Having to going out and run some errands for these inferior lifeforms.'

Unbeknownst to me I Clenched my fist more and the the money given to me by the boy's mother was crushed and ruined.

Cooler: 'It doesn't matter how much time passes, I will forever loathe the thought and actions to do mundane chores or tasks for insignificant lifeforms! These responsibilities are only meant for servants! Slaves! Not royalty or elites like me!

I continue to stare at the supermarket before me with anger. Bystanders who watched me land with amazement begin to fear and walk away as fast as they could. Wise choice. The urge of blowing the market up to smithereens built up. I wanted to show that I am not some errand boy, I wanted to show that I am not one to be trifled, to show that I am now the ruler of this planet! Lord Cooler! I then sighed.

Cooler: 'As much as I would like to destroy everything in my sight I can't... I would be risking the only sanctuary I have on this wretched planet and my life...'

I closed my eyes and sighed once more.

Cooler: 'If father and Frieza heard of this, they wouldn't let it be forgotten. Hell, they would mock me to no end if they ever found out, calling me the weakest of the family and further reinforcing my fathers statement of me being unfit to rule the Cold Empire...'

I grimaced at the memory of my father and brother, King Cold and Frieza. Especially at the reason why my father didn't lend me the privilege of ruling the empire. To him I was weak and I lacked the potential of being a ruler. Unlike my brother, Frieza, who was the complete opposite of me. To father Frieza was his "true" son, the "perfect" ruler of the Cold Empire. I merely scoffed at the thought of it. Not like any of this mattered anyways, my family is now dead along with the empire. I smirked, Good riddance.

After some more thought against my family and myself for ever allowing myself to be put in this situation, I walked into the supermarket and the automatic doors slide open as I enter.

Upon entering the market customers and employees looked in my general direction, some had an amazed expression others had one of worry, fear even, which really wasn't that surprising. After all I do look like a villain as stated by the boy and his mother.

As I walked forward the people started to back away leaving me with much needed space. I smirked.

Cooler: 'So it seems the people of This dirt hill of a world know a being superior than them, he he he...'

Random Kid: Mommy...? Why isn't he wearing any clothes?

Hearing those words exit the lowlife child put me at a halt and the memory of when I first moved into the Midoriya household came back to me. And of course the argument that ensued after the discovery.

-Flashback: A Week Into Cooler Living With The Midoriya's-

Inko: Cooler please, for everything that is good in the world, PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!!

Cooler who was sitting across the dinner table with his armed crossed, only gives Inko a stern gaze.

Cooler: For the last time earth women, I don't wear such clothing and I don't need any.

Inko didn't like the attitude she was given by Cooler not one bit. Though, her persistence in making Cooler wear some sort of clothing was unmatched. But before she can open her mouth again she took the time to analyze what Cooler said to her. Inko begins to blush and her eyes widen. She had just realized at this very moment that Cooler has been naked this entire time.

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