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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Author's Note

I didn't post this in the first chapter, but I wanted to kind of give a side note here. I have been reading fan fiction for many years, but this is the first time that I've written any. I used to be good at writing (back when I was in high school), but that was a long time ago. So please, all criticism is appreciated. (Be Nice!!! Lol. Just kidding.) Thank you.

Chapter 2: Memories

Zoey jogged across the trail at a steady pace. Her thoughts on the coming days. After she had finished moving into her new bedroom, given to her by Sensei at Ninja Ops, she called her brother to check in. Zoey can't help but be concerned for him. Right before her high school graduation, Tommy was in a massive accident. The island he was doing research on had exploded, with him still on it. Thankfully, he was able to get almost everyone off. He landed in the ocean and had to swim to shore for safety. Apparently, someone took his experiments and reprogrammed them. After getting home, and then released from the hospital, he decided he needed to leave Angel Grove to protect their friends and family. No need to bring that sort of problem back to Angel Grove... again. This way, he can work on finding his experiments and stop whoever caused the explosion. Unfortunately, there were two scientists that are still missing.

Zoey walked back into Ninja Ops completely refreshed.

"Hello Sensei. Cam. How has your morning been?" She asked.

"Uneventful." Cam commented as he watched her come in.

"How about you Sensei?" Zoey smiled, as she grabbed a bottle of water and sat down on the table.

"I got to watch a mini martial arts marathon. It was quit entertaining." Replied Sensei, "How about you? Did you enjoy your run?"

"I did actually. It was quit refreshing. I love the mountains here. They are so beautiful. Reminds me of the mountains in Angel Grove. They're... I don't know, serene." Zoey stopped for a moment to think.

"You know, Angel Grove was monster central for over 5 years. And in all that time, it's people never stopped. They didn't stop living their lives. They didn't hide in fear worrying all the time. It's always amazed me what the people on this planet are truly capable of. Not just technology and inventions. But the capacity to care." She paused, "When I was running, I was thinking about my brother and an accident he was in last year. Scared me to no end. I mean, I ended up with tunnel vision. All I could think about was trying to get out to the site of the accident."

Zoey stopped for a minute to take a breath. "I thought I had lost him. He's been my rock growing up. The truly amazing thing is, that the both of us were adopted. Our parents couldn't have kids, so they adopted. We were related in name only. But that didn't stop him. He didn't care. I was his little sister from that first day. I was only 3, but I was so attached to him. He's the one who taught me martial arts." She laughed as tears started to fall, "I thought I had lost him. He was missing for over a week. When he was found, he was disoriented. He had 3rd degree sunburn, malnutrition, and severe dehydration. He was delusional, hallucinating, and covered in bruises from being attacked. I still don't know how he survived. But that's Tommy for you. Gonna take a lot more than that to take him down. Especially after everything he had already been through." Zoey sighed.

Looking up, she looked straight ahead. "When I talked about the capacity to care, my brother is the epitome of what human nature is all about. You see, my brother, and his friends, were the first team of Power Rangers."

Cam and Sensei looked at her in surprise, but they didn't want to say anything. Not yet.

"He was the new kid in town, on his way home from school. What a shock it was to find himself surrounded by aliens. I guess it was some sort of test. After defeating them, the evil space sorceress Rita Repulsa kidnapped him and put him under her spell. He was given the Green Power Coin and was ordered to destroy the Power Ranger's Command Center."

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