Storm Before the Calm: Part 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 31: Storm Before the Calm: Part 2


Zoey swore under her breath when the Rangers finally got back to Ninja Ops, her anger barely controlled. "Not again."

"What happened?" Shane yelled, horrified at the scene in front of them. Everything was destroyed. The walls had collapsed, computers shattered, and small fires everywhere.

"It's trashed!" Dustin exclaimed, starring wide eyed at the scene in front of him. Hearing Raina start cursing in Spanish again, he shook his head and wrapped his arms around her.

"No..." Tori breathed.

"Cam? Sensei? Cyber Cam?" Shane yelled. "Where are they?"

"Don't worry, they'll be here somewhere," Dustin said, as they walked around, looking under the wreckage for any sign of their friend and Sensei.

"They have to be." Tori said, "If anyone can survive this, it's them," she nodded.

"I don't understand. What happened?" Andy looked around the room confused, "How did this happen?" Seeing Jenna's look of anguish, he walked over to her, "What is it?"


"What memories?" Shane asked, looking concerned as Zoey just held up a hand to make him stop.

"Not right now. We need to focus." She took a deep breath, "I need to focus." Closing her eyes, she sent out a small wave of pink energy out of her body. Looking at it, she nodded her head, "Find them." The energy wave shifted shape and turned into Vixey. The little fox started speeding through Ops, looking for survivors.


"This can't be how it ends," Shane grunted, pushing a piece of the wall up as best he could. Andy walked over to help, and they were able to move it to the side.

After the first initial shock, the Rangers had calmed down enough that they were moving debris, looking for signs of their friends.

Zoey had sent her fox, Vixey, to search beyond the main room. She hadn't been gone long when they heard a voice from the entrance.

"Whoa, what happened here?" they looked around as Hunter spoke, walking in with his brother. They looked around, trying to assess the damage.

"You guys made it!" Dustin grinned as everyone hurried over to the Thunder Rangers, "We thought you'd be toast for sure!" Jenna started crying again as she ran her hands over Hunter, trying to make sure he was okay.

"Vexacus torched the Thunder Megazord, so we ejected," Blake nodded, "Are you going to let him breath?" He asked, looking at his brother, now lip locked with the Purple Ranger.

Jenna back up and punch the Navy Ranger on the arm, "Shut up, Blake."

"Ow." He complained, rubbing his arm, "She hits harder than you, Hunter."

"I know. Isn't it great." Hunter grinned down at his girlfriend, seemed to be glued to his side, "Where's Cam?" He asked, looking around.

"Don't know," Shane answered, shrugging

"Sensei?" Hunter frowned

"Lothor got here before we did," Dustin shrugged, his arm around Raina

"We were too late," Shane nodded.

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