General Deception: Part 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 28: General Deception: Part 2


Zoey looked around, confused. "Why am I back in the field?" Seeing the war raging all around, she fell to her knees in pain. Her head, throbbing like the beat of a drum, swam in and out of focus. "What happened? The Rangers. The Zords. Zurgane..." Feeling faint, she looked over at the bright red light coming her direction. Though her vision was fading, she saw an outline in the red light.

"A Phoenix?"


"Zoey!" Feeling hands shake her shoulders, Zoey struggled back into consciousness, "Zoey! Wake up!" Hearing Jenna next to her, the Pink Ranger sat up. The intercom crackled with the other Rangers calling for her to wake up.

"What happened?"

"You passed out after that last blast from Zurgane." Jenna patted her shoulder.

Looking out at the battlefield, Zoey saw Zurgane laughing. He moved in to attack the Wind Megazord, but Cam and the Lightning Rangers blocked it.

"What?!" Zurgane exclaimed in surprised.

Before he knew it, Cam took the star off his Zord and slashed the Faceless General with it.

"Whoa!" Shane exclaimed once the Wind Megazord was back up, "Where did you get that mode, Cam?"

"I am the one in charge of upgrades, remember?" The Genius point to himself, proudly.

"Pretty sweet," Shane gave him a thumbs up.

Cam looked around quickly as Zurgane rush at him. He was knocked aside when the Thunder Megazord blasted him with lasers. The Lightning Zord slashed its Stinger Blade in an arch, causing the General to fall back.

"You guys ready to finish this?" Hunter asked.

"Let's do it!" Shane called.

"Yeah! Locked and dropped!" The dropped their disks and called on the Ninja Firebird to create the Hurricane Megazord. They activated the Typhoon and was able to destroy Zurgane's Zord.

"Yeah! No more Zurgane!" the Rangers celebrated their victory happily.

"Don't be so sure," Cam shook his head, the only one not cheering. "Zurgane's smart," he reminded them.

"But we trashed his Zord!" Hunter frowned, not understanding why Cam was still wary.

"Even if he got out, he's got nothing," Dustin nodded as he looked around.

"Cam's right." Zoey agreed, "Something doesn't feel right. It was just too easy." She looked to the side and muttered, "Almost like he wants..." Trailing off, she looked back at her friends, "I just feel unsettled about the whole thing."

"You call that easy?" Blake demanded in disbelief.

"No one's saying the fight itself was easy," Jenna pipped up, "but we've had tougher fights with him. And it felt like he wanted us to destroy the Zord."

"Whatever the case, there's nothing we can do about it right now. So, go back to your campsite," Cam told them, "I've gotta check something at Ninja Ops," he decided.

"I'll come with you," Tori told him. "I'm over the whole camping thing," she muttered irritably.

"We'll come too." Jenna said, pointing to Raina, "We weren't planning on joining that monstrosity of a resort, anyways." Hunter poked her in the side.

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