Nowhere to Grow

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Disclaimer: I do not own Power Rangers. Only my OCs.

Chapter 7: Nowhere to Grow

As Zoey was coming back to Ninja Ops after a late-night run, she heard a commotion coming from down the stairs.

"I must see those seeds." Sensei spoke up, having seen the flower monster attempting to plant them. "We will discuss why you were out on a school night another time," they groaned, and Zoey couldn't hide her slight laugh.

"I'd hate to be in your skate shoes," Cam smirked as Shane glared at him.

"Dude, shouldn't you be cleaning ancient scrolls or something?" Shane turned his glare on Cam, who rolled his eyes.

"Shouldn't you be in bed?" Zoey commented, coming toward them.

"Dude, where'd you come from?" Dustin looked over in surprise.

"Dustin, shouldn't you already know about the 'Birds and the Bees'?" Zoey smirked.

Shane looked at her, "No, seriously. Where have you been? I mean, we shouldn't be the only ones to get in trouble for being out late on a school night."

"If you will remember Shane, Zoey graduated last year. Both from high school and her Ninja Academy. She takes college classes online. Therefore, she is exempt from the same rules as you." Shane and Dustin looked put out, while Tori just shrugged, "Now, back to our problem on hand."

"Yeah, since when has Lothor been into gardening?" Tori asked as she raised an eyebrow. Sensei poked one of the seeds, and green gas poured out of it, making him cry out in disgust. A very pungent smell rose up, and they all covered their noses quickly.

"Dude!" Dustin looked away in disgust.

"Aw, that is some serious stank, man!" Shane groaned as Zoey moved behind Cam to get away from them smell.

"Smells like Dustin after Ninja training," Tori grinned playfully, and Dustin laughed.

"Hey, yeah, it does, too!" he agreed as the others laughed.

"What are those things and where did they come from?" Zoey inquired curiously.

Cam looked around at her, smiling as she was still holding her nose, "Shane, Dustin, and Tori were out late, playing around... "

"We were not playing around." Shane interrupted, "I was working on a move I was trying to land, and Dustin was recording it for me."

Cam continued, ignoring Shane's remark, "When they saw some Kelzaks in the park. They followed, found a monster, morphed, and got their butts kicked." Zoey just grinned at the protests that followed, "Then dad had me contact them, and here they are. The monster dropped these seeds before she took off."

"Ok, that answers question number two. How about question one, for the grand prize?" She smiled over at Sensei.

"I'm not certain." Sensei shook his head. "I have an acquaintance, Dr. Belrab. He's an expert on exotic plants. In the morning, you must visit him at his botanical laboratory," he told them.

"Why don't I go?" Cam volunteered. "This may require someone who actually has a clue about botany," he told his father, and Shane laughed.

Zoey patted Cam on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Cam. Botany is one of my current majors. Well, paleobotany, but I think I could follow along pretty well."

"Dude, just so you know, not a very good pickup line," Shane mocked, causing Cam to just roll his eyes.

"Shane, come on," Tori and Zoey slapped him on his arms, frowning.

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