Diary Entry #3

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Dear Diary,

We have officially been here for four days now. Seems unreal that time has passed so fast! I have so much to say. I’ll start from where I left off last time. Arden did manage to show me his oh so wonderful dance moves…except they weren’t so great! I’m still laughing as I write this down just thinking about it. How can a guy so gorgeous dance so horribly?

Anyways, enough of that subject. After we went to the club Arden and I sort of got into an argument. Why you ask? Well he has feelings for me and I pretty much shot him down. I know what you are thinking right now. Why did you do that Skylar? You know you like him too! Yes I know I do but I don’t want to admit it. We didn’t come here looking for relationships. We came here to enjoy life and have fun before we start college. This was Del and I’s last time to spend together since we are most likely going to different universities once we actually decide where to go and what we want to do. I just feel as if getting into a relationship with someone here would take away the time Del and I have left.

Not to mention I really don’t think I’m ready for another relationship, however short it may be. After James I really don’t think I could be in relationship. After him cheating on me even though we had been together for three years I can’t bring myself to trust another male. What if Arden turns out to be like him? I never knew up until the end of our relationship…He hid it that well. It seemed as if everyone knew but me and they couldn’t be bothered to spare me the heartbreak.  I’ve only know Arden a matter of days so it’s hard to know if I can trust him or not.

Last night I had a long talk with Delaney and I voiced my concerns to her. We talked for hours over some yummy mint Choco chip ice cream and gummy bears. She has kind of knocked some sense into me. She told me that not every guy is like James and I will never know if Arden is or not if I don’t give him a chance. And she assured me that no matter what happens between him and I we would still have our time together and spend as much time wrecking as much havoc as possible upon the town of Verona.  After our much needed talk she convinced me to seek out Arden and sit down and talk with him. She managed to get Xavier in on it and he sent Arden out to the bench in Juliet’s courtyard.

I met him out there and he was a little irritated to see me. Finally after an uncomfortable silence I managed to get out my feelings. I told him the reason’s as to why I didn’t want a relationship and he just nodded his head and listened. I then told him that I would like to get to know him more before I made my decision on whether or not I wanted to be serious with him. He lit up like a little school boy and spun me around beneath Juliet’s balcony. I just have to say it was definitely romantic!

We talked for a while just sitting underneath the stars. I learned that he has a fear of bats. Isn’t that funny? He also likes to read every now and then and his favorite color is green. He wants to go to college and become a Forensic Anthropologist. He explained all about it but honestly it sounded boring so I kind of just smiled and nodded my head as he was describing the job. He is also going out of state for college but he won’t tell me where. He says it’s a secret and maybe he will tell me sometime if he feels like it. I wonder where he could be going. Maybe I might get lucky and it’s somewhere near where I live. Probably unlikely huh? But a girl can dream.

Anyways after our talk and finding things out about each other we parted ways with promises to meet again in the afternoon. Today Xavier and Delaney are going off on their own to sight see and Arden is taking me to a few places he thinks I would like that he found on the internet. He has the whole afternoon planned out, picnic and all. Then this evening once we all return from our day, Del and I are going off on our own to go see some of the sights we planned to see before we came here.

I better stop here; I bet you are already getting bored of me jabbering on about nonsense. I still have to get ready to meet Arden in an hour!

Wish me luck!

Skylar xo

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