Chapter four: suprises

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Louisa was thrown of her calm day when she met her in the corridor, what was she doing here? So she does what she always does when she does not want to focus on anything that could make her fall into a spiral - she goes into her garden and looks after every single plant she can find but especially now with the snow this is going to be difficult . Now she is tending to some herbs that have survived so far and therefore clearly do not need her attention. It calms her to do this routine of movements. She listens to the few birds, the cats in the distance and the wind playing with the branches. But suddenly there is another noice, footsteps. She takes a breath and decides to not care about the person approaching. But at some point she can feel them starring and it drives her mad so she turns around and freezes as she recognises who is standing there in front of her. In the same wine red gown she already wore when they met in the corridor early the day. Salia Silverstone is starring at her, eyes wide open and shock all over her face. Before she clicks Louisa grabs her arm and pulls her into a shed. Salia still is stunned and just has confusion showing on her face. "Look, one word to anyone..." Louisa starts but she has to stop there is nothing she could use as a thread and not including the fact that she would probably never follow through. "What?" Salia asks now a quirky smile on her lips. She knows her position. Louisa inhales deeply "Please just do not tell anybody. My mother knows but Father would be raging with anger if he found out I still have these" she admits with her eyes wet and wide open. She looks Salia straight in the eyes and swallows. Salia can not help it. She has a weakness for puppy eyes. "I will not tell if I do not have to. Know that this is a gift." she adds with a cocky smirk before she leaves. Louisa takes a deep breath and leaves the shed to attend to her herbes again. Shocked by Salia's words her work is not as good as normally but she does not seem to care for her mind is on a journey of its own. Why was this woman who hates her so, so nice to her? Why would she help her? And why was she out in the garden in first place? It is not meant for visitors. She decides that her mother must know something about it.

After the Silverstone's departure Louisa decides to talk to her mother about some of the incidents having occurred this afternoon. As she is about to knock on the heavy wooden door of her father's library she can hear her father's angry voice. "How dare he have the audacity to talk to me in such a way." "Please, calm down." Her mother's soothing voice is thin and barely audible against her father's loud and angry one. "Well if you really want to we can try to prove wether your firm deserves its leading role" her father's voice now sounds different "He said that to me." Back to angry he is. Louisa rolls her eyes and takes a leave. In her room she falls down on her bed and wraps herself into the warm and fuzzy blanket.
She misses dinner and after a short shower goes straight to sleep. In the morning Liza wakes her as usual.
At breakfast the only topic her parents talk about is yesterday. Louisa and Mirabella decide to talk about the other visit yesterday afternoon has brought them. Kilian Jones. Louisa can see how much Mira likes him which makes her happy. She wants nothing more than her sister having happiness. And Mr. Jones seems like an option of happiness their parents could agree to. But it saddens her as well. Mira is younger than her, she has been to only a few parties and she already seems to have found someone to make her, at least for a while, happy and jumping in excitement. Louisa has been going to parties for around six years now, yes she has had suitors but except for lowering her self doubt from time to time, they have not done anything for her. And thank Cameron, she has had the luxury of having a choice. So therefore Mira's joy also frightens her for if she find someone, especially like him, the pressure will return. And she does not think she will be able to handle it this time. The day passes slowly. For Louisa it feels like it already should have passed as she sits at lunch and pokes at her salad. No one seems to notice this state of her mind. No one expect for Sage who greets her with a questioning look on her face as she enters her room. Louisa smiles at the trusted companion, picks her up and starts to massage her head. The cat purrs happily and the soft low noice calms Louisa. She does not realise how she again drifts of into a peaceful slumber.

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