Recess ( the beginning )

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This takes place when the squad were 3rd graders

"Time for Recess!" The teacher told her students. Light grabbed his little purple lunch box, and brought it with him. He also grabbed his soccer ball. Charli followed. Charli had a huge crush on Light. The whole class knew. Light hadn't noticed though, he just liked borrowing her crayons. I mean, what else was he supposed to think, it was the 3rd grade. Luca also followed along, but only because of Charli. Everyone just thought it was because he was Charli's best friend, but only the ones closest to him ( his brother ) knew it was something much more.


Light dropped his lunchbox into the lunchbox bin outside and went towards the mini soccer field. He wanted to play soccer. It was his substitute for his true hobby, skateboarding. His mother had bought him and Alex skateboards for Christmas the year before. Their mom wanted them to be more productive. Alex didn't really enjoy that gift, but Light sure did. Light was going to play with Jaxx on the field because no one else wanted to play, but when the game started Charli interrupted. "Hey! I wanna play too!" Light sighed and let her join. Luca also joined. He didn't need an invitation. He joined in anyways. The 4 divided up into teams. Charli to be on Light's team but he insisted that she join Luca instead. It wasn't because he didn't want Charli to be on his team. He was fine with it, but Luca gave him a scary look. Light didn't know why Luca didn't like him. He didn't do anything wrong. Once the teams were chosen they played. It was Jaxx and Light against Luca and Charli. Luca and Jaxx were goalies. The first round Luca and Charli had won. Luca cheered for Charli when she made it into the goal. It was the second round and Light wanted to win. He likes winning. I mean, who doesn't? Charli was easily distracted, so Light decided he can make it in from far away. He went towards the ball and kicked it as hard as he can.
The ball didn't make it in the goal. Instead it hit Charli right on her cheek. "o-ow" Charli said starting to tear up. "Ouch that really h-hurt!" The ball left a red slap mark on her cheek. They all walked towards her. "Charli!!" Luca said nervously. I mean being hit in the face with a soccer ball shouldn't be that serious, unless in this case, you're eight. "Are you ok?" Jaxx asked. "No! I don't want to play anymore!" She walked away angrily. Jaxx followed because he felt bad. Light stayed quiet. "Aren't you going to apologize?" Luca said. Light looked up. "I'm sorry..." Luca rolled his eyes. "Not to me idiot. To her." He put his hands on his hips and pointed to light. "You must be so cruel to hurt a girl like that you know!" Light's eyes widened. "I didn't mean to! I'm just-" Luca started at him. "Just what?? A mega jerk!" Light frowned. "It wasn't my fault-"

A lunch monitor stepped in

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A lunch monitor stepped in. Jaxx had told on them. "You two. Inside, now!" Luca froze. "What?! I- I didn't do anything!" The lunch monitor dragged the both of them inside and sat them in the lunchroom for the rest of recess.


Luca was bitter. Light started up a conversation. "I'm sorry." Light put his head down. "Pffft. You should be." Luca muttered. "It's your fault. for everything" Light was confused. "Everything? What do you mean?" Luca stood up and banged on the table. "You should know! It's your fault Charli got hurt, and it's your fault she'll never like me!" Luca bursted into rage. Light looked shocked. Luca realized he had said to much. "I'm—" He sat back down and put his head down. "Light this, light that, blah blah blah"

 "Light this, light that, blah blah blah"

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Light replied. "I don't like her. Girls are kinda gross" Luca looked up. "What...?" Light nodded. "I'm not even into all of that mushy stuff. I didn't know she liked me." Luca froze. "I- oh- I'm sorry I just thought-" Light put his hand on Luca's shoulder "It's ok dude, it happens." Luca turned red. "T-this doesn't make us friends or anything!" Luca then mumbled. "You still have to apologize to Charli you know." Light nodded. "I will. After that then we can be friends right?" Luca rolled his eyes. "Sure..." Light was excited to make a new friend. He now has someone to check out all of his cool skateboarding tricks, and his gummy worm obsession. Luca thought. "Maybe he isn't so bad after all." Lunch came and Light finally got his soccer ball and lunchbox back. He also apologized to Charli. Luca smiled. Jaxx also didn't want to admit he told on them. Either way they all laughed and jokingly called him a a tattletail. Things ended well.

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