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Light and Luca made it to the skatepark. Light caught Sora attempting to skateboard but instead falling over every time. "Give me that!" Light snatched his skateboard out of Sora's arms. Sora frowned. "Awww" Light then began to do kick flips and tricks. "Woah" Luca thought out loud. "Do you wanna try it?" Luca shook his head. "Please- I could never." Light put his hands on his hips. "C'mon it's easy." Luca rolled his eyes. "Fine."
For the rest of the time Light finally taught Luca how to skateboard. I mean Luca wasn't a pro, more like a novice, but he knew the basics. Jaxx suddenly appeared out of know where. "Woah- where'd you come from you hunk." Sora said nudging Jaxx. "Hey guys!" Jaxx waved. Jaxx was Sora's boyfriend, he was also someone everyone had known for a long time. "Hey Jaxx!" Luca hopped off the skateboard. "I just came here to pick up Sora." Sora crossed his arms. "Pick me up?? Pffttt—please" Jaxx then replied. "Sora— you literally always call me to pick you up, I just thought I'd come early. It's always because—" Jaxx started to mock Sora. "Oh it's too dark, Oh It's too cold— blah blah blah I need a ride." Luca and Light started laughing. "shush..don't embarrass me like that." Sora said mumbling. Sora grabbed Jaxx's hand and dragged him towards Jaxx's vehicle. With the other hand Sora waved goodbye to Luca and Light. "See you tomorrow!" Luca and Light waved back.

Now it was just the two of them. They stopped skateboarding because Luca was tired. So they just sat on a nearby bench. "Light." Light stopped looking at his phone and looked up at Luca. "Mm?" "I need to tell you something really important, don't tell anyone else." Light proceeded to turn off his phone and had his full attention to Luca. Luca noticed and started getting nervous. "Well I- I-" Light waited for him to say it. "Yesterday my mom was arrested." "Wait really?" Light raised a brow. "Yeah um.." Light interrupted. "that's why you've looked like you were stabbed 50 times." Luca sighed. "That's a weird way to put it but yeah. So I wanted to apologize—" Light interrupted again. "It's ok. Don't worry" Light then wrapped his arms around Luca and gave him a hug. Luca froze. "This is the first time he-" Luca thought in his head. "I could never understand what it's like to live without my mom" Light said. Luca nodded. "So me and Levi are just taking things one at a time." Light then asked. "When can you go visit her?" "I don't know." Luca replied. That was a good question though. Luca also still wondered how she ended up in jail. It was as if Light read Luca's mind when he said "How did she get in?" Luca shook his head. "I have no idea." They both stopped talking and just stared at the sky as it grew darker and darker. This went on for 15 minutes until Luca said. "Thank you Light." Light stopped dazing and looked in Luca's direction. "For what?" Luca chuckled. "For being my- friend, and always being there for me." Light looked confused. "Oh. Your welcome?" They both started laughing. "Prom is coming up." Light said. "Oh really?" Light nodded. "It's on Wednesday, and graduation is on Friday." Luca sighed. "Time flies so fast, it seems like yesterday we became friends." Light agreed. "Yeah, that's crazy yooooo" Light said jokingly. Luca giggled. "I have a question." Light began to ask. "I know this is cheesy and not the best way to ask but—" Luca sat up. "Do you want to go to prom with me?" Luca began to blush. Light was waiting for a response. "as friends??" Light shook his head. "I mean..." Light was interrupted. Luca jumped out of his seat with excitement. "Yes!" Light lit up. "yay!" For some reason Light started doing the floss. "Now that's cheesy!" Luca began to laugh at how stupid he looked. At the end of the day, Light and Luca walked home together. "See you tomorrow prom date!" Light waved. Luca blushed. "b-bye!" Luca walked into his house. He saw his brother standing there with a big grin. "Did I hear what I think I just hear?" Luca rolled his eyes. "Finally, becoming like your older brother isn't that right." Luca crossed his arms. "No—" Levi chuckled. "Well whatever, have fun at prom with your date or whatever." Luca raised a brow. "You aren't going?" Levi looked down. "Yeah it seems boring." Luca started walking to his room. "Whatever makes you feel better- you emo" "I- emo??? You little-" Luca shut his room door. Luca jumped on his bed with happiness. His crush most likely liked him back. Luca was more than excited for prom.

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