Diary ( Study-Buddy pt. 2 )

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Light's house

Light knocked on the door. Alex opened it. "Oh Light, you're home early." Alex said. "You've brought a friend?" Light then responded. "Yeah, me and Luca are going to study together." Alex chuckled. "Please— that's a first" Light rolled his eyes. "C'mon Luca" Light grabbed Luca's hand and led him upstairs to his room. Luca turned red. Light brought him to his room. "Alright, give me your backpack" Luca was confused. "Wait what?!?" Light sat Luca down. "We have to be quick, I want to be a reading prodigy already." Luca laughed. "Light- it's not that fast. It takes practice." Light sighed. "Well whatever, let's just start." The two of them studied for two hours. After they just sat there. "Hey Light, can I use the bathroom?" Light nodded. "Oh sure, it's the hallway to the left." Luca walked out. Light was just left there with himself and Luca's backpack. Light decided to sketch on the notepad they were using. So he went and put his hand inside Luca's backpack. He thought he grabbed a pencil box but instead grabbed a small book titled "diary". Light didn't want to be nosy but his instinct said to open it and read it anyways. He scrolled through little pages that Luca wrote. Eventually he made it to the most recent one. It was 1 month ago. It read... "Dear Diary, I've been friends for this boy for years. Why does this all of a sudden happen to me? I wasn't supposed to fall in love. It's just everything about him is so comforting. My heart aches when he's with another. It's not fair. For now I just have to play it cool until I get over it. I wouldn't want it to ruin our friendship." The door then opened and Light quickly shut the book closed. Luca froze. "w-what are you doing??" Light gulped. "I said... WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Luca snatched his diary out of Light's hand. Luca grabbed his backpack. "I trusted you." Luca started to tear up. Light tried to explain. "Luca I- it was there ok??" Luca began to get louder. "That's not a valid excuse!" Luca walked out and slammed the door behind him. "Wait!" But it was too late. Light felt guilty. He should've never broken Luca's trust.

Luca walked home. It was dark out. He started crying angry tears. It also started raining. "Oh wow just perfect" Luca said choking up on tears. He stopped at a river. He grabbed the diary and threw it. It landed in the river. "Stupid book"

Eventually he made it home, but he was drenched from the rain so nobody noticed he was crying

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Eventually he made it home, but he was drenched from the rain so nobody noticed he was crying. When he walked in, he saw Levi and his mom. "You're home late heh" Levi said chugging on milk for some reason. "Why didn't you call me or an uber home honey? you're all wet." Luca's mother said nervously. "A little rain doesn't hurt mom" Luca's mom looked worried. "Are you sure you're ok honey I-" Luca interrupted. "I'm fine mom, I'm fine." He then walked to his room and slammed the door. Levi scratched his head. "What was his problem?" Luca's mother shrugged.

Luca's room

"I can't let him know. I absolutely can't." Luca then grabbed everything that reminded him of Light, and put it in his attic. "We have to become rivals again. Or else, he'll find out. I don't want that." Luca then proceeded to block Light on every single platform he had. "if this is what I have to do-" Luca started holding back tears. "Then I will."

Light's house

Alex had seen Luca stomp out and slam their door. She waited a few minutes and decided to go up and check on Light. She knocked on his door. "Light? Are you there" Light stayed silent. "Light?? C'mon open the door I know you're in there." Light opened the door. "Oh hey Alex." Light then shut the door. Alex then opened the door anyways. "Light!" Light lied on his bed looking away from her. "Light whats making you act like a primadonna?" Light stayed silent. "C'mon. Just talk to me. We're siblings. I can tell when something's wrong." Light sighed. "It's nothing, just stomach problems." Alex nodded her head. "Ah I get it." She walked out.

She knew something else was wrong

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She knew something else was wrong. So she decided to just keep a close eye on him.

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