Phone Call

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It was 12:00am, everyone had left. Levi had been sitting down in his room, on his bed just staring at the floor. Luca was very happy. He did a little happy dance too. Luca was passing by the hallway in his pajamas when he noticed Levi. "Levi?" Luca went up to his door. "Hey..?" Levi turned to him. Levi didn't look to happy. Luca lost his smile. "What's wrong?" Levi started mumbling. "I- just-" Luca was already getting frustrated. "Oh c'mon just tell me already!" Levi gulped. "It's mom." Luca started sweating. "What do you mean?" Luca said nervously. "She-" Levi wasn't able to finish his sentence. "Finish already!!" Luca felt stress. "Mom, she- she's not coming home Luca" Luca froze in place. "What?" Levi started to get emotional. "She was arrested tonight." Luca started getting choked up trying to hold back tears. "She'll be coming home soon though right? A f-few days?" Levi stayed silent. He then replied. "30 years." Luca started to silently sob. "W-What???" Levi nodded. "Mom won't make it to our graduation next week." Luca sat next to Levi. They both started crying. "What did she even do-???" Luca said tears running down his face. "I- haven't been told yet." Levi put his arm behind Luca's back. "Mom would want us to take care of each other. So let's do so." That night was the most bittersweet night Luca has ever had.



The sound of Luca's phone woke him up. He grabbed it. It was Light. After last night, the party, Luca was hyped but then again nervous to talk to him. He answered the phone.

Light: Hello??

Luca: h-hey Light, why are you calling this early?

Light: I usually wake up at this time.

Luca: oh.

Light: Yeah, but I also wanted to hang out, you know, chill with the homies?

Luca Laughed

Luca: The homies? Pftttt

Light: oh be quiet it's my new lingo, I got to sound cool now

Luca: and why is that?

Light: I had my first kiss yesterday, what do you expect? I'm cool now.

Luca turned red

Luca: o-oh well I-

Light chuckled

Luca: just because of last night, doesn't mean I like you or anything!

Light: Please you definitely like me

Luca: Shut it motor mouth-!

Light burst out laughing

Light: I'm only playing— no need to get all defensive

Luca rolled his eyes behind the screen

Light: But for real, we should hang out, I'm going to also be with Sora so do you want to come along?

Luca: Oh sure, where are you guys going

Light: Miss Misa Cafe, it's the new cafe that just opened. Plus- I'm hungry.

Luca chuckled.

Luca: Alright, I'll see you then.

Light: See you later!

Luca hung up the phone

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Luca hung up the phone.

Luca was pretty excited but disappointed that Sora was going to be there. Luca wanted it to only be him and Light. That's all. Luca got up, brushed his teeth, and got dressed. Luca tried to forget the news he got last night, but it was hard when Levi constantly looked burnt out. The boys have been through all lot though, so Luca could understand. Especially with Levi being a year older than him. Their father had left them at a young age. 4 year old Levi and 3 year old Luca witnessed their father walking out on them. It was now just their mother and them. Luca finally made it out the house. He saw his neighbor, Charli. Charli waved happily. She was at the party last night. She was Luca's childhood friend. Luca did have a crush on her at some point she never noticed it though. Charli went up to him. "Heyy!" Charli got excited. "omg- I saw everything last night, the kiss you and Light had, was the cherry on the cake!" Luca blushed. "Wha-?? Oh c'mon I don't like him." Charli giggled. "It's obvious Luca." Charli then walked away. Luca froze there for a second. "Is it really that obvious?" Luca thought. After that, he continued to make his way to Miss Misa cafe. He was excited to spend some time with Light. As much as Luca denied his feelings out loud, he really did love Light.

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