Capítulo 11

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One of Harry's hats falls out my wardrobe as I fish out an old white shirt. What's this even doing here?

I pull the shirt on and tuck into my dress trousers, puting the black blazer to match, over it.

Once I've sorted my hair and makeup I dig out my black stilettos.

If I put something together for breakfast quickly, I'll make it into the office before nine.

After I shut one of the cupboards in the kitchen, I feel a presence at the door.

"You're up early!" I exclaim with a smile when I see it's Pearl.

Her eyes are tired but she can still frown noticeably. Her long baggy bottom pyjamas are dragging against the floor, and she's hugging herself.

"Go put a sweatshirt or something," I tell her taking a drink from my tea.

"You promised you wouldn't work," she growls in a sleepy voice.

I sigh turning around to her and take another sip.

I'm sure she's grown since I last saw her, she's nearly as tall as me now. Although that's no accomplishment.

"I have to go to work, but it will only be every other day, and I'll be home early!" I smile trying to make her frown disapeare.

Pearl really doesn't want to stay on her own and I don't want her to be on her own either, but it's not an option. I thought last night's dinner would make her see how I'm being all social for her.

Big lie.

I'm not being social for her or anyone... I'm just pretty useless at the social business.

"Am I having lunch on my own?" Pearl asks leaning on the surface.

Her eyes are fixed on the floor. She can cook, she can manage, but I know having lunch on your own in a big house isn't ideal.

It's a big flat for just one person. Even for two or three, but I guess we'll be okay with space for the three of us.


"Of course not!" I say with a smile. "Zayn's here!"

I finish my tea and find her arching an eyebrow at me like I've gone mad. I feel responsible, as in old, when I spend time like this with Pearl. The times I feel I'm bothering her.

"Zayn mentioned he was working today Clara..." She mumbles shaking her head.


"But he works at the café downstairs Pearl! You can both go out and grab something to eat on his break and then I'll be coming back soon enough," I explain with excessive movements to my hands.

"Does he even know this is happening?" she asks me squinting her eyes and with a sassy wave of her hand.

"Yeah! He's looking forward to it!" I lie.

"Ugh," she grunts attempting to walk out.

I run behind her, looking awkward with big heels, and hug her leaning down a bit. "Don't hate me please, I'll make it up to you, promise," I whisper.

She nods slightly and keeps dragging her bare feet down the corridor, me hanging awkwardly from her and trying not to kick her with my shoes.

"Try and sleep a little more, okay?" I smile and leave a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

"Have a nice day," she mumbles gently pulling my arms of her nd shutting the door to her room.


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