Capítulo 3

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A warm bed was where I woke up this morning, it took me some time to realize I was in someone's home now.

I dreamt about him again last night. Same dream. Same horrible dream. He blames me. I couldn't save him. What's the point in getting the colonel to prison if he's already done the damage?

The colonel did let it happen but what about the guys that tormented Olly? Aren't they going to pay for making someone's life so miserable that he had to hung himself? My poor Olly.

I'm not sure what I'm meant to do with my life now... Getting out of bed should be a good start, I'll have a shower and breakfast.


By the time I finished my breakfast I thought I'd try and set the dishwasher. When I started it there was really loud bangs coming from inside. I rushed to turned it off but the noise didn't stop.

After opening it I realised the noise came from the front door. Someone's gone mental.

I'd hardly opened the door when a guy stumped right pass me. My hand didn't let the handle go, leaving me standing there with a confused look. The browned hair boy stopped in the hall when he realized I wasn't whoever he was looking for. He had really big blue eyes that kind of popped out.

"Oi, who are you?" He frowns pointing at me.

"Uh, Zayn..." I mumble closing the door slowly. Is he Clara's mate or something?

"Oh, Clara's got herself a boy, huh?" He smiles at me wiggling his eyebrows. "Where's her rich ass gone?" He asks me.

I shake my head slowly still staring confused but trying to stifle a smile.

"Work, I think," I tell him following him into the front room.

"Course she is... Damn," he growls sitting on the couch. "She never makes it," his head suddenly pops up. "Hey, do you wanna go for lunch?" He asks me with nothing but hope in his eyes.

I think he is older than me but then... I don't think he is. Uh, lunch? Concentrate Zayn. I do want lunch, and I could do with socializing.

"Come on, I need the answer today mate" he jokes with a smile.

I shrug and nod.

He seems alright. Clara's cool and he's her friend so it should be fine.



Dad actually wanted to press charges against Zayn. I explained Nan everything and she sorted it out, Dad basically couldn't do anything Nan didn't want him to do because of his tiny mind and all her money.

I'd been watching telly on the couch for quite a while now, I thought Zayn was in his room but when I knocked his door to check on him, there was no answer. Maybe he went for a walk?

A salad sounded good enough to be my dinner. The gym is somewhere I hate so I try and eat as healthy as I can to never go there, although this happens once in a life time.

My phone started ringing just when I finished unloading the dishwasher.

Oh, Harold.

"Hello Mr." I smile into the phone, walking out to lay on the couch.

"Hey C, uh... I'm gonna drop off something in like half an hour," he says testing his words. "But you can't freak out, okay?" He asks and I hear a grunt in the background.

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