Capítulo 5

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"Miss Wyatt, Mrs Wyatt on line 1," Lucy's voice beams out the phone before I press 1.

"Hi Nan," I smile leaning back on my chair.

"Good morning darling, I've heard about the issue with your Dad?" She tells me distractedly.

"Uh yes, I'm sorry Nan but he was being his own rude self with my friend," I explain.

"Boyfriend, at last?" I can hear the emotion in her voice.

"No nan, just friend."

"Oh well, I guess he can go as your partner to Etienne's event."

"I don't thi-"

"He will assist as your partner, Clara" she orders and I sigh.

The only person who can tell me what to do and I will actually do it is Nan. I look up to this woman, I admire her and at the end of the day she is my boss.


"Speak to you soon darling, I love you!" She says before ending the phone call.

It's not that surprising that my dad and Nan never got along, they don't really know each other. She always worked, she was married to her job. Dad was brought up by baby sitters, it's funny how he even managed to marry someone, although it had to be someone like my mum, someone material and plastic.


It was Saturday tomorrow and I was meant to spend the day with Harry, but he couldn't make it so he would be taking me out for dinner tonight. We promised ages ago we'd meet at least once a week.

He'd be coming by to pick me up in fifteen minutes, so I needed to rush up and change into something comfortable, if I didn't want to walk around in these tight shoes and dress.

As soon as I unlocked and pushed the door open I heard the tv on. Maybe I should ask Zayn if he'd like to join us, Harry wouldn't mind and I don't really want him spending time on his own. I left my bag in the hall and shut the door with my hip.

When I walked in the living room the first thing I saw was a high smiling Louis on one of my couches, Zayn was mumbling something while he layed on the other on. There was an ashtray on the coffee table, a couple of lighters and a plastic box. I could sense the smell from the door and I can guess what all the mess is on the table.

"Had a nice day, love?" Louis smiles from the couch. He has a sweet little smile and I know he's being honest with the question but I still can't stand him.

"Why are you here?! Why the fuck is all your shit in my home?" I shout at him referring to all the weed.

"Calm down, Clara, I invited him," Zayn mumbles sitting up on the couch. He's moving sluggishly with no effort.

I stump up to the couch he's on and push his head back to see his face in the light.

"You've been smoking," I confirm, more to myself.

He closes his eyelids and smiles lazily looking back at Louis, who just folds his arms over his chest and lets a giggle out.

"You think it's funny?" I shout walking to the door. "You two are going to end up in the streets, I don't care what you do with your lifes but I don't want this shit anywhere near me," I tell them trying to hold myself together.

I wasn't expecting all this, I thought Zayn had understood how wrong it was. Drugs is not something I'm allowing in my home, I don't care what kind of drugs.


Harry was sitting across me in the restaurant, it was quite an elegant place but it wasn't uncomfortable to be here, as I found the rest of the places in town. I'd opened the menu after the waiter had handed it to me and walked of.

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