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The next morning they made breakfast and Jordan let Jason drive her truck this time. It took him a minute but he rediscovered his driving skills, and she was impressed with how he handled it.

He parked next to their boss' SUV and headed into the office to begin another workday.

Surprisingly there wasn't too much to do today. Mr Dykes had them all cleaning up the office space, lunch room and coffee counter to keep busy.

Zack seemed thrilled by something he'd found in the bottom drawer of his desk, walking down the corridor to show Davis and Toby. Jordan frowned when he made the remark "nothing better than a hot chick taking it in the ass."

Porn, clearly. He'd found some gross magazine in his desk that he forgot about, she thought with disgust as he walked past her cubicle. He paused, and Jordan gave him a warning look.

"Don't you dare show me that."

"Okay, I won't," he replied coolly, completely ignoring Jason and stepping into Garrett's cubicle on the other side of the hall.

"Put the sketchbook down you art geek. I got something you're gonna like."

Garrett looked up with surprise in his brown eyes and pressed his sketchbook to his chest like whatever he was drawing was private. "What?" Zack dropped the magazine in his lap.

"Go ahead and take that home for some new material. You need all the help you can get you little virgin," Zack taunted with a smirk.

Garrett looked a little hurt as he walked away, glancing down at the open magazine. He made a little "ick" sound and tossed it in his waste-basket, going back to what he'd been drawing.

Jordan stepped into his cubicle once Zack was at his desk working on some numbers. "Hey, Garrett. You okay? What was that about?" she asked with some concern. He still looked like he'd been picked on and she wondered if because she'd taken a stand, Zack was picking on his own friends now.

"Nothing. He just bugs me sometimes because I have no good hook-up stories," he replied, not letting her see his sketchbook either.

Jordan stepped closer and leaned on his desk. "No good hook-ups? Or just not one to brag?" she inquired.

He sighed in frustration. "I don't get laid, okay? I'm not Zack. I can't smooth-talk and give girls that hot smile, okay? Mind your business, Jordan. I'm sure you got something better to do," he insisted.

He forgot to keep his sketchbook hidden and Jordan's eyes went wide when she saw the half drawn image of Jason sitting at his desk, glasses on, working on his computer. She glanced across the hall at the real life counterpart, the man she'd had passionate sex with the night before, and turned back to Garrett who looked terrified.

"Why are you...?"

"Shush!" he hissed in warning.

"O-Okay," she stammered and walked away, getting back to her desk. Why is Garrett sketching the odd one in the office? Is it because he's bored and Jason sits across from him? No, that doesn't explain why he seemed so worried. Weird.

The day went by pretty quickly. After lunch Mr Dykes got Jason to sit at her desk with her and show her how to do some of the serious numbers. Jason acted so professional about it, teaching her how to use some new software programs that she hadn't been trained at before.

Jordan got the hang of it, but with Jason sitting so close to her acting like they weren't lovers at all, she had to tempt him just a little.

Casually she brushed her fingers over his thigh, making Jason look a bit uncomfortable. A few minutes later she did it again.

"Stop it," he whispered.

"Or what?" she dared quietly.

"I want to throw you down on this desk," Jason confessed, glancing at her and going back to the numbers. She trembled, excited by the very idea of it. She started fantasizing about him taking her on the desk while the office was full of people, but somehow nobody would come to check. So thrilling...

He gave her shoulder a smack with the back of his hand. "Your pupils are dilated. Try not to give our secret away, Jordan, for your safety," he cautioned. "I care about you."

She nodded and got her focus back to the numbers, completely professional.

When the work day was over they were surprised to find Zack leaning against her truck.

"What do you want?" Jordan asked. He smiled.

"I was wondering if Jason wanted to carpool with me today. I won't make you pay for gas or anything. I promise."

Jason looked wary about the offer, and Jordan went into a sudden panic, wondering what Zack was up to. What terrible thing did he have in store for Jason?

"No, I think we're good with this arrangement," she decided adamantly.

"See, this is why I don't bother not being a dick, because when I try to do something nice people just spit in my face," Zack muttered.

"Okay Zack. I'll get a ride with you," Jason decided with a polite smile. "Have a good night, Jordan," he said softly to her and turned to follow his nemesis to his grey Ford Mustang. She exhaled, still terrified about this, and got into her little truck to head home. He can handle himself, right?

Once Jason was buckled up in the passenger seat and they were driving down the street, Zack turned to him. "You better not fuck up my party, man. I swear to god I'll fucking ruin you if you do," he warned.

"Where's this coming from? Did I do something to piss you off again?" Jason retorted with a frown.

"Just stay away from Jordan. That one is mine and I get first crack at her."

"Same old Zack. When are you going to realise that you can't have every woman who doesn't want you? After what you did to Rosie..." He couldn't think about that right now. He couldn't get the pictures out of his head and it was just going to make him snap on Zack in the car. He wanted no confrontation right now, needing to be in good fighting shape for the party in case Jordan needed to be protected.

"She wanted it," Zack assured quietly, focusing on driving.

"Did all four of you do that to her?"

"Nah. Garrett was at home with his mommy that night, but I bet if he finally grew a set he would love to give a cute redhead a shot of cum to the face."

"Pull over," Jordan ordered suddenly and Zack did as he asked so he could get out. "You ever talk about Rosie like that and I will kill you, Zack! I'm not fucking kidding! Never talk about her like that, and never talk about Jordan like she's one of your fucking conquests, because she's not! She's already mine, and I protect what's mine! Fuck you!" he finished, whirling around to walk away. Zack sped on past and left him to walk home.

So much for carpooling. Oh, I fucked up, Jason thought with his hand over his face.

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