Tori the Zombie

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I rolled my eyes in annoyance, watching the scene before me

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I rolled my eyes in annoyance, watching the scene before me.

"I know I don't have much to offer. But I do love you."

"Because I'm beautiful?"

"I don't love you. You're beautiful because I love you."

"That could have been me." I whined, plopping my head down on my bag. Jade patted my back.

"They're just acting."

"I know that. I trust Beck, but I don't trust Tori."

We both jump when there was a disco lights and music randomly play. We both look up and see Sinjin frantically tried to turn it off.

"What up with the disco?!" My best friend yelled in anger. "I'm sorry. I hit the wrong thing."

"No, 15 years ago your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!"

When he found the right button to turn it off, I smack Jade on her arm. "Geez woman, it was an accident. Don't yell at the poor guy."

"All right. Why don't we take a break? Tori, Beck, you guys were great."

"I wanna go home already." I whined, slowly sliding myself down to my seat and wanting to land on the floor. I did. And I ended up just laying there. My best friend only rolled her eyes.

"... Why is my girlfriend on the floor?"

"She's being dramatic as always."

Hearing Beck sigh, I hear his footsteps before picking me up. I smiled sheepishly when I come face-to-face with him. "Hi, hubby."

"Are you still being jelly about this whole thing?"

"No, I just don't trust Tori." I firmly stated, huffing.

"Whatever you say, darling." He pulled me close to him for a tight embrace. I smiled, relaxing at this.

I heard Jade before yelling. "Guys, guys. Everyone shut up a second."

"What's up?" Beck asked in confusion, still having me in his arms.

"An e-mail From principal eikner. To all students involved in our school's production of Uptown Downtown, Sofia Michelle will be in Los Angeles the weekend of the 17th and will be personally attending your opening night performance."

Everyone in the room started buzzing in excitement, especially our director. I shake my boyfriend happily. "She gets to see your performance, I'm so excited for you!"

"And you get to meet one of your inspirations, darling!" He exclaimed in same excitement as I am. I adore her works. She's one of the greatest writers when it comes to making stories!

"Who's Sofia Michelle?"

I almost fell down on the floor.

"How could you not know her?!" I ask Tori, utterly offended.

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