The Diddly-Bops

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"Stand up straight, chin up

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"Stand up straight, chin up. Why did you let your hair down? You look ridiculous. Check your posture, too, Amelia."

I refrain myself from glaring at my mother as I just nodded to get this over with.

My parents came back from their business trip, again, and when I encountered them this morning, the first thing my mother did is criticizing everything from the way I walk to the way I dress.

"Why are you frowning? Come on, smile. You don't want people to think you look like you're unappealing now, would we?"

I let out a fake smile, only for her to roll her eyes at me.

"Actually, I take it back. Your smile is ugly. Don't do that again. You just need to work on it better."

I let out a heavy sigh through my nose, finally finishing up my cereal and putting my bowl away in the dishwasher.

"...Amelia dear, are you seriously wearing that to school?"

At this point, I refuse to look at my mother. I continue to check my bag. "My clothes are fine. I want to feel comfortable today, Mother."

"I don't know what that boy Brian sees in you. Those clothes aren't pretty."

"His name is Beck."

Finally, I walked out of the dining room and headed out to the front where I saw Beck waiting for me in his car. He was giving me his little wave.

All my anger and frustrations went away as soon as I hopped in the passenger seat. I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Parents are back."

He slightly winced at my answer, already knowing the situation. "Oh sweetie, you okay?"

"I'm okay now since I'm with you," I told him, my usual cheesy line. He was chuckling a little before kissing my forehead.

"Well, then I'm glad I got you this then."

He pulled a single rose out of his jacket and handed it to me. At this point, I was blushing and smiling at his sweet gesture.

"Darling, why did you get me this?" I ask him curiously, taking the flower and holding it close to me.

He then starts driving out to school, all while the other hand of his holding mine.

"Just because."


"So, let me get this straight."

"Lay it on me."

"What I'm hearing is that the Waggafuffles had this crash accident and couldn't make it, so now Sikowitz is paying you guys to perform for some kid's birthday this coming week."

Jade was groaning at the thought. "I didn't even want to, but it's a thousand bucks, so it better be worth it."

I was giggling at my best friend's distraught look. "Wow, and I missed all that because I was called in by the counselor. I can't believe I missed it."

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