Wok Star

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In regards from the Authors Note, you guys are so damn sweet, I freaking love you all 💕💕

And onto the story!

P.S will no longer add outfit pics. Maybe in the future I'll add it back again.

Amelia's P.O.V

Jade has been avoiding me and Beck since this morning, and we haven't seen her in classes, too. We tried calling her, but she always put us on voicemails. So we decided to split up to find her. Robbie even helps out with the search.

The reason why she's doing this is because the school wouldn't allow her to play here. 

My phone started to ring, the caller I.D. shows 'My Love'. I instantly picked it up.

"Did you find her?"

"No." I sigh in defeated. "Let's meet up again by the main stairs."

"Yeah, alright..."

I hung up, picking up my bag from the floor before making my way to the meet-up destination.

I see Beck already waiting for me. He sees my distress look. "I'm sure we'll find her, okay?"

"I know... Just worried, you know?"

As we both step down the stairs, Cat, André, and their friend were talking to each other until they saw us.

"Hey, guys."

"Yeah, what's up?" Beck muttered in response, looking around still.

"After school- Whoa!" Out of instinct, I reach out to lend Tori a hand before her stuff came falling out of her arms. She gave me a grateful smile before adjusting her stuff and continuing what she needs to say.

"We're going to this insane Chinese restaurant I found right up the street. Wanna come?"

"Maybe, if we can find Jade." Beck was holding my hand still as he was leading me to find our best friend. "Where is she?"

"We wouldn't be looking for her right now if we know the answer," I stated, a bit sassy too. Andre had a sheepish look.

"Is she still mad?"

I sigh a little. "Oh, yeah. Definitely."

"Why is Jade mad?"

"Because you know that play she wrote 'Well Wishes'?" The three of them nodded. "Well, she wanted to put it on here at the school, and they won't let her."

"Why not?"

"The teachers think it's too weird and disturbing."

"What's wrong with weird and disturbing?" I let out a small scream when Sinjin came out of nowhere. Beck only held me in a protective way.

Tori looked at him before noticing down on his pants. "Your pants are unzipped." In his reply, he just walked off.

"Why are you looking down there to begin with?" I ask with a confused look, only for her to shrug.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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