Nico's Day Out

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My 3rd day was finally up here in the infirmary. Nico was here every day

He arrived a little bit after breakfast bringing me a plate and stayed till lunch left and came back with lunch for me and stayed the whole time till dinner and same thing there then stayed till Austin told him the Harpies would be out soon then which he booked it to his cabin

When he was he here we just talked and I noticed he was still that hyper 10 year old I met 4 to 5 years ago

Nico and I hung out only for a little bit when he first got here I am not sure he remembered but he ran up to me when I was tossing the volleyball with Travis and Conner asking if he could join

Then a little after he showed me about mythomagic and talked about his sister then asked me a ton of questions about my life as a demigod

Then when he disappeared word his about his sister and who his father was and I felt bad for him but annoyed at some campers who made comments about his Dad

Actually I snapped at one Ares kid big time about it and that was the first time I seen him cower in fear

When I saw him again at the battle of manhattan I almost didn't believe it was him. But when he came in with his Dad and I saw him smile just a little I knew

I was he sad disappeared again only showing up when the camp needed help

But we all noticed a bunch of new campers slowly join every night and Satyrs don't travel that fast it be a week or more before they arrive

1 year and half ago

Then one day it was a late shift and Apollo campers get pardoned by Harpies if they work infirmary at night, but I was walking up to the big house and I see Nico running up there with a kid on his back and I hid a little

He puts her down gently and kneeling in front of her to tell her something and she hugs him and he seemed surprised by the hug but returned it. Then he stood up putting her on his waist and knocked on the door and Chiron opened it and didn't seem surprised and smiled at the two

I snuck closer to hear their conversation

"How do find them so soon" Chiron asked with a curious look

"Demigod life forces feel different than a regular mortal. It's hard to explain. But as sad as it is a lot of them were living on the streets. Abandoned" he said and I look at the little girl and she fell asleep her head rested on his shoulder

"How old is she?" Chiron asked Nico with a worried look

"6. She was hiding in a box with a frying pan saying monsters were after her. Kinda reminds me of Annabeths story. I don't think she is Athena Cabin though she gives off an aura like Will Solace" he said and I tensed hearing my name

I honestly didn't know he knew my name. I never did tell him that one time

"Most likely Apollo. Nico Hephaestus Cabin did Build Hades Cabin. You are welcomed here" Chiron said to him softly 

Nico sighed "I appreciate it Chiron. But...I don't feel welcomed except by you. Maybe kids from Apollo Cabin which is surprising by the way. I know Percy wants me here he worries a lot. But I don't feel like I belong. I rather help other demigods come here so they can be safe" he said adjusting the girl on his hip

"I won't stop you but one day. I feel like you'll find your purpose here. Let me take her for you and take her to the infirmary. Head inside the big house and rest you can leave when you wake" Chiron said and Nico handed her to Chiron and went inside

Chiron waited a second then chuckles "Will" he called and I flinch


I come out of hiding with a guilty look and he just laughs lightly

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