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Staring at the cinnamon curled hair girl in front of us

"Hazel hey" Nico said nervously and I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly

"Nico I haven't seen you in forever!" She says wrapping her arms around him and I notice Frank off to the aide

"Yea not since you went back to camp after the war" he said his magenta eyes shining as he hugged his sister making me smile

"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend. I had to hear it from Percy"  she said looking at me and eyeing me up and down and I chuckled my arms crossed over my chest

"Will Solace. We talked a little after the war when I made Nico stay in the infirmary

"Oh yea! The battle medic. Apollo kids in the Roman Camp don't have that much experience as you do you were amazing" she said and I smile and Nico smirked at me his eyes turning gold

Hazel looks at his eyes and giggled "I see they are turning more colors" she says and Nico blushed as they flicker blue

"Be quiet you" he says and they turn magenta and I can't help but smile at their relationship 

Frank walks over and Nico smiled at him

"How is Camp Jupiters Preator " he asked and Frank laughed a little

"I'm good. We are actually on are way to Camp Half Blood we were suppose to surprise you and Percy" He said and Hazel nodded

"Well I'm surprised. We are here to get Percy something. We stopped to eat" Nico explained and our order number was called and Nico hopped down

"Frank could you order our food. You know what I want" Hazel asks and he nodded and walked with Nico

I got kinda nervous. I know Hazel is super sweet but I also know she is incredibly skilled in sword fight and Nico told me she is from the past also

"Will...I have a question and please don't be offended" She asked and I was surprised to see she looked nervous

"What is it?" I say calmly hoping it would relax her

"I uh couldn't help but notice but uh....are you transgender?...I'm sorry that was rude to ask. Just Nico when he came out to me he had to explain all parts of LGBT because it was new to me. Of course I accept him and you if you are it doesn't bother me I swear I just am trying to learn more an-" I cut her off by chuckling and she looked at me and she looked embarassed

"Hazel it's okay. Yes I'm trans. I'm not offended. I would rather you ask instead of be confused and assume. Don't be afraid to ask me okay?" I say calmly and she relaxes a little

"Do you wear um ...the chest thing?" She asks quietly and I nod

"You noticed but right now I can't because I injured myself but I do wear one." I explain she nods and sighs

"Sorry, its all new and I don't want to offend anyone. I want to help if I can I believe people should be who they want to be....no who they are meant to be" She says and I smile at her

Nico your sister is the sweetest I want her to be my sister

"Well feel free to ask me. Okay?" I say and she nods and hugs me

"Hurt my brother and I kick your butt" she whispers and I gulp and nod

"Noted" I laugh and she smiles and sits in the chair next to me as Frank and Nico come over with food and Nico looks at me and I smile and his eyes turn gold

"Will do you have any idea what Percy might want?" Nico asks and I shrug

"I'm not close to him so I'm not sure but he probably like anything knowing him" I say and Frank looked thoughtful

Trans Will (Solangelo Love Story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now