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It was the next morning and I woke up to Nico packing our bags making me a little confused and I sat up and grabbed him pulling him to me and he squeaked in surprise making me chuckle

"What are you doing gorgeous?" I ask and he looked at me blushing his eyes that were orange turned gold

"Packing for our trip. I wanna stay for a few days. I wanna visit my Dad and talk about what's going on and figure things out. But I also wanna visit a few more people also" Nico said and I tilt my head

"You'll see" Nico smiled softly and I hum and kiss him making him kiss back as he sat on my lap

I pull away and his eyes open and they were pink for a split second before they were gold again and I raise an eyebrow

Second time I seen that color. I'll ask about it if I see it more. But I think I have an idea

"Oh I have a surprise for you" Nico said getting off and runs to his dresser and pulls something out

I look at his hand and my eyes widen as I see my black binder

"I talk to Austin. He said your wounds cleared up nicely and you can wear it again. But also I am in charge and your on probation Morticians Orders" he said and I laugh

"Mortician?" I asked and he blushed darkly

"Let's be honest I'm a mortician more then a doctor" He said and I roll my eyes and lean and kiss him softly

"You're cute" I mumble and he looked at me with bright gold eyes a dust of red on his cheeks

"U-uh get dress" he whispers pulling away handing me the binder

"Okay" I chuckle getting up and head to his bathroom grabbing my clothes on my way

I change into my binder and put on my camp shirt and blue jean shorts and I look into the mirror and smile

I look flat again and I sigh in relief and grab some pads and put them in my mini yellow backpack Nico got me and I noticed he put advil and a dagger making me snort and the first aid kit in there

You're a weirdo Nico

I walk out and Nico had two duffle bags and he looks at me and smiles

"Ready?" He asks me and I nod and wraps my arms around him

We figured out if he shadow travels with me holding him he loses less energy

Disappearing in the shadows Nico looked more relaxed since he wasn't swarmed

We appear in what looked like a thrown room and I look around holding Nico just in case he fell and we hear a voice

"About time you two arrive" I hear and I turn and on the throan I see a man wrapped in robes looked like Nico and I realized

"Lorn Hades" I say and Nico looked up and smiled

"Hi Dad" he said and Hades got up shrinking so he could be more our height and his robes disappeared and he was in a black long sleeve shirt and black pants and he walked over to us

Nico broke from my arms and ran to his Dad and hugged him and Hades chuckled hugging him back

"Hey son" He smiled and my heart clenched at the sight. I was happy for Nico but I wish my father was able to do what Hades does for Nico

Hades looked at me and he smirked before I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn and a gasp escaped my lips

"Hi son" Said my father in a yellow shirt and blue jeans and I couldn't speak

Trans Will (Solangelo Love Story) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now