Mom Knows Best

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I was surrounded by darkness it almost reminded me of Shadow Travel

But I hear voices. Specifically my Mom

It was angry and sad, I couldn't make out the words but it was her voice

All of a sudden I appear in a pitch black void thing, I see a light type figure up ahead and slowly walk to it

I see a woman curled in a ball and the misty figure was circling her

"Stop please please please." She begged and my heart dropped

"Mom!" I yell and her head snapped up and she looked at me wide eyed

"Will!" She yells and tries to run towards me but hits an invisible forcefield

I run to her and I blocks me too like invisible glass

She puts her hands on it looks me over teary eyed

"William oh my gods your grown" she says tears in her eyes

"Mom, where are you? Do you know anything?" I ask and she wipes her eyes but doesn't take eyes off me

"Honey I don't know. I just remember mailing off your Testosterone then suddenly everything was black and I was stuck here." She says and that stumps me

The last time she stop sending me Testosterone was a bit after the Battle of Manhattan. So that means...

"That wasn't you in control..." I whisper and she looked confused

"What wasn't me baby?" She asks and I tear up

"I went to visit you when I was were drunk and you called me Willow and he said you didn't want me..."I whisper and her face dropped and she covered her mouth tearfully

"Oh my I would never oh no...that wasn't me honey I swear to you...what has this spirit done to me...controlling my actions...hurting my baby boy." She says and I put my hand on the invisible force field and she puts hers where mine was

"Mom do you know anything? Me and boyfriend are trying to find you" I whisper and I see smile tug her lipd when I say boyfriend but she clears her throat

"I don't know, I really don't...the misty mumbles stuff but....wait. I remember something its sometimes would mutter the words 'gods highest point.'" She told me and my mind immediately thought of something

"Olympus." I whisper and she looked surprised

"What about Olympus?" She asks and my heart burned with anger

"Zeus is mad at Dad and my boyfriends Dad, Hades. Because they want to see their kids. He's the reason your like this. Been trapped for 3 years! Mom I promise you I'll save you. I promise." I say tears burning my eyes

She took a deep breath like taking in this information line gestures me to come closer

I got as close to the force field as I could and she leaned to it and acted like she kissed my forehead

"I love you so much Will, you've grown to a wonderful young man I know you got this." She said and looked over me again

"That misty figure by the way it keeps me here but being as part of it is me it also wanted you. Even though it makes me miserable atleast some part of it knew you were mine." She says and I look at her tearfully

"I miss you Mom." I whisper and she covered her mouth as a tear falls down her cheek

"I miss you too baby...looks like your time here is up." She said and I look down at my hands which were fading

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