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As soon as Ivy had been attacked Taylor had called an ambulance. As much as the singer wanted to go with Ivy she was advised to go home and change before leaving for the hospital, She was also told to call Karlie since she was one of Ivy's emergency contacts.

Taylor had quickly called Parker and rushed home to get changed

The singer frantically looked through her closet before simply throwing on a pair of black jeans and a black hoodie before rushing out of the house

When she got outside she saw that her house was surrounded by paparazzi and she had left Parker to wait with Ivy for the ambulance!!

rushing through the group of men with cameras and occasionally flipping themoff when they got too close Taylor was in her car and zooming through the streets to the hospital.


"Is she alright?!"

"The guy had a knife, Get her to the  emergency room stat!!"


"Ma'am stay here!!"



"Taylor oh my god what happened?!" Karlie yelled as she ran into the waiting room

Taylor sat sobbing into her hands on a metal chair by the emergency room door

"S-Some guy stabbed her... She was trying to protect me!" Taylor sobbed

"Fuck" Karlie mumbled she took a seat next to Taylor and began to cry along with her

"I--I don't know if she's alright" Taylor choked out, "How deep was the wound?" Karlie whispered

"Almost touching the spinal column..." Taylor whispered

"Do you want me to call her parents or something?" Karlie asked, "No, Call mine" Taylor said softly





Taylor could hear everything, The frantic yells coming from inside the room, The cries of desperation coming from Karlie, Except, It was as if it all had become ten times louder.

"Taylor, Honey what happened?" Andrea asked as she marched into the room along with Austin and Scott

"I cant... Talk about it" Taylor whispered

"I-Ivy got s-stabbed" Karlie said in a shaky voice

"Oh my god" Andrea said in shock, "Does her mother know about this?"

"No. And no one is going to tell her" Taylor said quickly

"Why not--" Andrea started, "Don't ask" Karlie said, Although she too thought it was weird Taylor didn't want Ivy's parents to know about the incident she knew that the singer probably had her reasons

"Honey do you need anything?" Andrea asked changing the topic

"No... You guys can leave, I'm not going anywhere" Taylor said numbly, All that filled her mind was the constant thought that Ivy wouldn't make it

"Taylor are you sure because--" 

"Go" Taylor repeated

"Alright but if you need anything please call me" Karlie sighed as she along with the rest of Taylor's family began to move out

Her brother Austin gave the girl a quick reassuring pat on the shoulder before he too left the dismal hospital

The screams from the room had stopped, Taylor didn't know if that was good or bad

She wasn't sure if she wanted to know if it was the latter

All she wanted was to hear that Ivy was okay, And to hold the girl in her arms and whisper sweet nottings and tell her everything would be okay... But she couldnt

Time past and it was already night time and as Taylor was pacing up the hall she saw a nurse walk out of the emergency room

"Ma'am, We're going to move her to another room so if you could keep your distance that would be great" A nurse said coming up and handing Taylor a pair of gloves

"Wait so she's alive?" Taylor asked her red eyes wide and teary

"Did Viola not tell you? Yes she's alive and breathing" The lady said placing a kind pat on Taylor's shaking shoulders before disappearing back inside the room

Taylor's breathing slowly returned to normal pace as the tears dried up on her face and the colour returned to her skin

She needed to see Ivy

She would only truly believe the girl was fine when she saw her.

Taylor watched from a distance as they wheeled Ivy out of the ER and into a room down the hallway

Her wounds had been stitched but her face was pale and her hands lay limp by her side

"When can I see her?" Taylor asked the nurse when she emerged from the room

"Soon, She's currently passed out due to the anaesthesia but as soon as she wakes up you can go see her"

"Cant I just sit in there?" Taylor begged, She really didn't want to worry the whole night

"Fine" The nurse sighed, "Follow me and put these on" The lady said grabbing a pair of blue scrubs from a nearby cupboard

The both of them walked into a whitewashed room with a small couch on one side and a TV in front of the main hospital bed where Ivy lay

Her wrists had tubes going in and out of them and she looked as if she had been hit by a bus

Taylor didn't care though, She was just happy that Ivy was alive

"You can sleep there tonight" The nurse said pointing at the tiny couch that Taylor knew her long legs wouldn't fit in 

The singer lay down on the couch and attempted to prop her feet up using the grooves on the wall for support but failed miserably and ended up sleeping with her legs hanging uncomfortably off the side of the sofa.


The next morning Taylor awoke to see Ivy sitting up in bed and eating what seemed to be a bowl of cereal of some sorts

"Hi" Taylor breathed, "Hey" Ivy said with a small smile

"You're okay" Taylor said with a lump in her throat

"Mhm, and im glad you are too" Ivy said softly

"Why did you jump infront of me?" Taylor asked as tears began to well in her eyes once more

"I... I love you Taylor, Like i said before, And i couldnt let anything happen to you" Ivy said looking down at her pale hands

"I-- I love you too"

"You do?" Ivy said with wide eyes, "I always have, I was just too scared to say it" Taylor chuckled ruefully

"I love you Ivy Rose" Taylor repeated with  wide smile on her face

"And i love you Taylor Swift."


All's well that ends well! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for 500 reads! Like omg WHAT!! Thank youuuuu


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